Chapter 36

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     A PANG SEARS through my body as I try to sit up. I’m lying on the bed, but I’m not bound. I dart my eyes across the room, looking for him. He’s nowhere to be found. If not for losing so much blood yesterday, I would have made a run.

     My left arm feels heavy. It’s bandaged up. Blood seeps into the gauze. I need medical attention, but I don’t think Parker is going to drive me to a hospital. He’d have done it already if he planned to do it.

     Yesterday’s dangerous feat still hangs in my mind. I don’t know why I took such a stupid risk. I guess survival instincts had taken control. I’m lucky the bullet struck my arm instead. When I fell to the floor, I thought I was going to die. But then Parker rushed to my side and helped stop the bleeding. I was in excruciating pain when he took out the bullet. I thought he’d rush me to the hospital this morning, but from the looks of things, he isn’t going to do that.

     I move my hand to my arm and inspect the wound. Congealed blood is caked on my biceps. The wound looks nasty. It needs to be cleaned.

     The door swings open. Parker walks in with a plastic tray. I slowly sink into the bed, scowling as he advances toward the bedside and sits down with a smile. I can’t stand the stupid smile on his face. He shot me yesterday. He could have killed me and he sees nothing wrong with it.

     “How are you feeling?” he says.

     “You shot me,” I retort, “how do you want me to feel?”

     He leans forward and places the tray on the nightstand, then he strokes my hair and fondles my face. If not for the pain I was feeling in my arm, I’d have strangled him.

     “I’m sorry. It was an accident. You shouldn’t have tried to run. I told you the consequences if you do.”

     “An accident?” I snap. “You could have killed me!”

     “But I didn’t, and you should be glad you’re still alive. Nothing is going to happen to you if you just obey my instructions.”

     I huff. The fact that he sees nothing wrong in shooting me yesterday confirms he’s sick in the head. If the bullet had mistakenly hit any vital organ, I don’t think I’d be breathing by now. He reaches for the tray and places it on the bed across from me.

     “I made you breakfast.”

     I glance away. “I’m not hungry.”

     He looks solemnly at me. “You need to eat. Your wound is still healing.” He eyes the wound.

     “And who’s fault is that? I can’t believe you shot me.”

     “I said I’m sorry.”

     “It doesn’t change anything. I need to see a doctor. It’s probably infected.”

     “I will clean it up once you’re done eating.”

     “No, Parker. Take me to a hospital. I lost a lot of blood yesterday, and I feel very dizzy.”

     “That’s why you need to eat.” He picks up the mug and brings the rim to my lips. I want to push it back, but I take a sip of the tea instead.

     He says, “Good girl,” as I take another sip. A short while later, I’m done eating. He packs up and stands slowly.

     “Let me go, Parker,” I say. “I’ve lost too much blood. I have to be in a hospital. Please.”

     “No hospitals. I’ll bring the first aid box and clean the wound,” he says sternly.

     I want to argue more, but I know I’d be wasting my breath. Sighing, I watch him pace to the door. He steps out, the door shutting behind him. I have to get out of here.

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