Chapter 34

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     I LOOK AT MY reflection in the mirror and flick the front of my pixie cut. I had it done yesterday by my underground hair stylist. She works in the shadows. You only get her service if you know her, and if aren’t someone like me who is constantly hiding from the police, you won’t know her.

     Sighing, I rub the lipstick on my lips and press them together. With my new look, no one would easily recognize me. I paid a forger thousands of dollars for this new identity. My recent job failed miserably and all thanks to that stupid Isla.

     The job was simple. I got contacted through an email by Parker. Somehow he knew about me and the work I do. He wouldn’t tell me how, but he knew. I’m sure he got to know of me from a friend. You don’t normally get hold of me that easily because I’m always hiding. I was supposed to seduce a wealthy businessman Evans Kingston, get married to him, and steal a lot of his money. Then I disappear like I always do.

     What Parker didn’t tell me was his ex. Isla made things difficult for me, and I knew I had to do something. It reached a breaking point when she hired someone to watch me. Then it became obvious that our plan was botched and I had to leave, so I staged a crime scene for the police. I knew that if I ever disappeared, Isla would be blamed. It was very easy until Parker, in his stupidity, let Isla answer his phone.

     For everything to be believable, I had to find a friend, someone gullible I could lie to, so she could vouch for me when I disappeared. When I bumped into Lauren at the mall, I knew she was the one.

     I’ve been doing this job for many years and never have I messed up so badly. My last job was babysitting. I met this wealthy couple who wanted someone to watch over their three-year-old boy. They thought I was the perfect person. It was so easy to insert myself into their lives. Of course, I never planned to harm the baby. I don’t hurt children—only adults. I got myself and the child kidnapped. The couple had to pay a hefty amount of money for the ransom. It was so easy because there weren’t cops involved.

     I felt bad when I left my job as a babysitter. I had grown to love the child, but I had to go. The lives I create are never permanent. Don’t fall in love, my motto. It gets messy when you develop love for the victims. You’re trapped in a dilemma of whether to harm them or not.

     Did I love Evans? Of course not. I like him. He is a real gentleman, but I don’t love him. I can never love my victims. I’m not a sociopath. I’m just doing what I do best. Now that my job here is done, I have to go before the police start sniffing around. I don’t know what has happened to Isla and Parker. I don’t care.

     Parker struck me as an unreliable person from the very start. My only regret was accepting his proposal. He drove me into this mess and now I’m paying the consequences.

     I pick up my phone from the vanity and check the time. Nine o’clock. I should leave this hotel and be on the train in an hour. Dipping my phone into my purse, I carry my suitcase and drag it along. I glance around the room one last time before heading to the door.

     My heart skips a beat when I hear a knock. Who could that be? Swiftly I go for my gun in my handbag and hide it behind my back. On tiptoes, I move to the door and check inside the peephole.

     That stupid chambermaid! What does she want now? I’m about to unlatch the door when something dawns on me. Nobody knows I’m here, not even Parker. Something is amiss. The chambermaid shouldn’t be here at this time of the morning.

     Then it clicks. Lauren! Her call seemed out of place. We haven’t talked for a while now, so why did she choose to call me now? Did she...

     My thoughts are interrupted when the door barges open and men in FBI jackets storm inside my room. They move toward me. One of them, a blond with brawny arms shows me a badge and says, “Special Agent Daniel Hunt, FBI! Hands above your head and turn around.”

     I’m about to comply when I realize I’m still holding the gun. I could open fire and start shooting at them. Is it worth it? I don’t think so. Shooting at these federal agents would only aggravate my case. They’ve found me. I’ve always dreaded this day, but I knew that if I wasn’t too careful, they would find me. Damn Lauren!

     I throw the gun on the floor and do as he commanded. He surges forward, grips my hands, and cuffs them behind my back. “You’re under arrest, Elise Montgomery for fraudulent acts. You have the right to remain silent...”

     I listen as he reads me my Miranda rights. Nothing annoys me more than the name Elise Montgomery. What they don’t know is that the name isn’t even my real name. There’s so much they don’t know about me.

     Prison isn’t my last stop. I have other plans. Con artists always have.

THE WOMAN BEFOREOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant