Chapte 35

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     I pull up into Parker’s drive, unfasten the seatbelt, hop out, and stomp to his porch. I haven’t lifted a finger to the bell when the door creaks open and Parker appears.

     “I saw you from the window,” he says. “You look upset? What’s wrong?”

     I roll my eyes and walk past him into the house. Stepping into the living room, I throw my purse on the couch and face Parker. “Why didn’t you tell me Evans had an ex?” I snap.

     “Because it wasn’t important.” He walks to the minibar and pulls out a bottle of Scotch from the shelf stocked with spirits.

     I follow behind. “It wasn’t important? Really? You don’t keep things like this from me, Parker. You don’t choose what’s important and what’s not.”

     He fills the glasses and slides mine toward me. I grab it and gulp the liquid, the chill running down my spine. I sigh and place the glass on the counter, then ask him to refill it.

     As the liquid gurgles into the glass while he pours, he says, “When did you find out about her?”

     “Two days ago. You can’t imagine what that crazy woman did.”

     “What did she do?”

     I down the Scotch and set the glass across from me. “She broke into my house, tore my wedding dress, and sent me a nasty note.”

     Parker laughs.

     “What’s funny?”

     “Don’t tell me you’re scared of her.”

      “Only a fool wouldn’t be. That woman is crazy, Parker. You should have told me about her when you contacted me. You know I hate surprises.” I stare daggers at him.

     “Remain in the act, Rosina. Don’t do anything to blow your cover,” he says.

     I tuck strands of my hair behind my ear. “Don’t tell me what to do. Isla is trouble. I’m still in operation because I avoid trouble as much as possible.”

     He says casually, “Isla isn’t going to do anything.”

     “I wouldn’t underestimate a convict. This plan of yours already looks ruined to me. I’m surprised you can’t see it.”

     “I hired you to do a job for me. I fulfilled my part of the bargain. You have to do the same.”

     “Then don’t keep things from me. I’m your partner in crime. I deserve to know everything. If this is going to work, I need to be one step ahead. I can’t risk learning new things while I’m on the job. It’s dangerous.”

     He sips from his glass. “She did scare the crap out of you.”

     I hate that he’s teasing me, but he’s right. She did scare me. I didn’t expect it. My job is very risky. I can never afford to make mistakes. I always need to have the upper hand. One stupid mistake, and I’m out of operation and spending years behind bars. He’s nonchalant because he has no idea about the cons of my work.

     I touch the orb on the wedding ring. “I’m breaking up with Evans today.”

     Parker’s face light up. He almost spills the liquid. “Your job isn’t done!” he yells.

    I can’t help but smile for scaring the crap out of him too. “Relax Parker! It’s all part of the plan. Evans didn’t tell me about Isla until I asked. I’m going to make him pay for that.”

     I look at Parker. “Why did Isla go to prison?”

     “Ask Evans. After all, he’s your husband-to-be, Rosina.”

     “If you call me Rosina again, I’m going to pour the Sotch on you.”

     He chuckles. “I like the name. Reminds me of my childhood sweetheart.”

     “Well,” I sigh, “I hate Rosina. I can’t stand Lauren. Spending time with her is a pain in the neck. This is by far the most stupid mission I’ve ever taken up.”

     “If we succeed, you’ll leave Amarillo a wealthy woman, and I’d have what I want. And by the time they’d know, you’ll be long ago.”

     I lift my glass toward him. “To us.”

     He clicks his glass with mine. “To us.”

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