Chapter 32

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     “HE DIDN’T ANSWER. I’ve tried his number several times. I’m sure he’s deliberately avoiding my calls,” Flynn says to Conor.

     They’ve been going through the audio transcripts, looking for clues to no avail. In one of the tapes, Parker said he’d keep Isla in an isolated place—a cabin, but it didn’t say where. Conor had dispatched a cop to Parker’s house. He didn’t find any sign of him there. A neighbor had told the cop Parker hadn’t been to his house for a while now. She added that she’d seen him with a brunette a couple of days ago.

     “Do you think he knows?” Flynn asks.

     “If he doesn’t, at least he has the slightest idea what’s going on. It explains why he is not answering his phone.”

     Flynn sighs. “The tapes aren’t giving us enough details of the place. We have to take another angle.”

     “Yes. I will have a conversation with Mr. Kingston first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe he might tell us something about Parker.”

     “All right. I think he’s the right person to interview at this point. Parker hated him with every fiber of his being. He thinks he stole Isla from him. If there’s anyone who can tell us something about Parker, Evans can.”

     Conor rises. “I will see you tomorrow.”

     “Sure. Should I escort you to the elevator?”

     “No. Thanks. It’s fine.”

     Conor paces to the door and steps out. Alone, Flynn opens a file and goes through all the notes he made during his sessions with John Parker. He still can’t believe he didn’t see this coming.

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