02 | Partners

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Merry Christmas ho ho ho! Happy holidays!

For one, there's going to be a double update today as my gift to you.

Secondly,  I would like to give shout-outs to Mistiemusic12345 and Vibe_Writer for voting and commenting on the first chapter. Thank you!

Lastly, enjoy!


We got to the assembly hall in time and took back row chairs.

"I swear, that igbo boy ba, be like say one day, me and him go fight for this school (One day, me and that Igbo boy will fight in this school)", She said, referring to Daniel.

"Isn't that what you guys always do? Abi (or) because just this one time he managed to show you power, you're not joining it?", I told her, cleaning my face with my handkerchief.

Wearing these glasses are just killing me with heat. I put them back on.

"Wait o. I don't understand whose side you're on. Mine or his?", She asked, shocked that I didn't immediately jump into fighting by her.

"I'm not choosing sides. I'm ju--", she didn't even let me finish. She jumped into another topic already.

"This one you came late today, did your father leave you, or did your pencils finish?", She asked.

"My pencils", I said before adding, "And you would never guess who I saw there", I had to say it.

It wasn't because I just saw and talked with the tallest and finest guy in our class, but the fact that he was in the art section of a convenience store. What was someone like him doing there?

"Christopher", she guessed and I shook my head with a look that said, 'seriously'. She was always teasing me with the guy and it was somehow.

"Can you just keep quiet about the guy? The stupid crush is gone", I told her and she laughed, enjoying making me annoyed.

"Just tell me who it is", she said, not wanting to guess much.

"Reggie", I said. What was even his full name? For all I knew, Reggie couldn't be it. "And I don't know what he was doing there either", I said and she frowned like I already answered the question on her lips.

"I heard that he's planning to enroll for that sponsorship abroad", Rachael said and she looked at me as if she forgot to tell me since.

My face frowned in confusion. "What sponsorship?", I asked.

"That sponsorship that I told you to enroll for. That art sponsorship abroad na. God, you forget things easily o", she said, annoyed that I didn't remember immediately.

I looked around the auditorium. It was filled with students but no teachers were here yet. Not even the Principal. They were in school, just not in the auditorium at the moment.

Then my eyes locked with his. His eyes widened then he looked away almost immediately. Reggie's hair was one of the longest of all the guys I knew. And sincerely, he was fine. The definition of tall, dark and handsome.

I just didn't like him because he felt like he was better than everyone. And that he could just do anything he liked. Or at least, that was the side of him I saw when we were project partners. Which I never wanted to relive again.

"I can't enroll for it. There are probably other people that are better than me"

"That's your problem, Demi. You always think of other people that can do things better than you that you're too scared to even attempt it. How would you know where it would take you if you don't even try?", She asked. She was probably very irritated. She always told me to dip my legs in the water before I concluded that it was cold.

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