03 | Friendship

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This is my Christmas gift to you all!

Merry Christmas!


The alarm sounded, reminding us that it was time for lunch. I was already very hungry and by the time I realised my lunch box was at home, I almost slipped and died. Partly because of the hunger that was getting to me and partly because of the future hunger that would kill me.

I looked around the canteen, wondering what food 1000 naira could buy. Nothing. I would have easily asked Rachael but she missed her first test and had to write it this break. I cursed inwardly at how much bad luck I had going for me.

Then Reggie walked up to me. My heart beat faster, sending blood to all parts of body, alongside shivers from unknown source.

"Why are you just sitting down? Aren't you buying anything?", He asked, sitting opposite me. God, give me the strength to ignore this boy. I was so very hungry, and just like the popular saying, "a hungry man is an angry man", I was very angry. "Don't look at me like that. I want to help", he said.

"And that is exactly what I don't want", I said.

"You don't want help?"

"I don't want your help. Like, what's your deal? We were partners last term. Before then, you didn't even know who I was. And after that, you totally ghosted me. Now, all of a sudden, you're around me, saying nonsense. If you think you can use me for something, you did not see me", I told him off. He looked shocked. Even I was surprised by my own outburst. But it was true anyway.

He looked down, cleared his throat and began, "I'm not trying to use you"

"Then what do you want me for?"

"Friendship? Seriously, what else?"

"And why now?"

"Because I just realised how you truly helped my life back then. You helped me work more with someone. You made me a team player, when I am usually an island"

I was stunned. I didn't actually think I taught him anything at all. In fact, I didn't even think he learned anything. "See? And maybe I am using you and all for you to teach me more and make me a better guy", he said.

I was full on gaping now. Was he talking about me like this? Was I lucky like this? "Oh...", Was all I could mutter. I didn't know what to say.

I wanted to know if he was telling the truth. But he wasn't even looking up at me to say it. I couldn't believe him. But I could be his friend.

"Wait first. I'm coming", he said and left. Then came back with a black nylon.

Gala and Coke.

I didn't usually eat snacks because they barely filled me. But this would have to do. But I also couldn't take it. "I can't take this", I told him and he furrowed his brows.



"You still don't trust me. Just eat it, I'm not poisoning you"

"It's not about poisoning", I said. But I couldn't also say it was because he may want to use me and was giving me this. I still owed him 2k and I felt bad.

"Just eat. You're hungry and I'm a friend"

"Fine. But if I start flying in the night, it's your door I'm knocking first"

Just as I was about eating, Damilola appeared from nowhere.

"Dan dan dan", Dami said in a sing-song manner, the warning sound to show that you've been busted. I turned to glare at him and he was smiling. "I'll tell Mummy that you're collecting something from boy(I'll report to Mummy that you're taking things from a boy)"

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