11 | Food Poisoning

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It's been so looooong. There might just be one more chapter left.



The next few weeks were just basically— learning, tests, with me and Reggie kissing every hour. Now that I've had my first kiss with him, I just can't get enough of him. It's like he gets tastier everytime I kiss him.

But, the art stuff is coming up and I haven't gotten anything to draw. I'm like a blank canvas, out of ink. But Reggie is my one and only inspiration. It's like I get gingered up to draw something(definitely not pertaining to friendship) when I see him, touch him, kiss him, hold him. He's the best.

He's also very possessive. I like possessive guys, don't get me wrong but he's always giving all the guys the stink eye. Even one of my closest friends, Johnson Ubong.

Johnson and I are academic rivals, constantly fighting for the top. We joke about it most of the time and he keeps me on my toes to always do my best which always makes me the best.

Johnson and I sometimes do a chicken competition, where we see who can eat a full I surrender chicken and finish it first. Well, now Reggie was watching us and I totally think I'm going to win this.

Anyhoo, I won him and he had to pay me a chemistry lesson. Let's face it, he was the better chemistry person. I didn't like chemistry and I didn't know it. So he taught me when I won. It's a win-win.


My stomach was hurting so bad that I couldn't sit still in class. "Are you okay?", Reggie asked me. I didn't want to bother him so I just nodded my head and kept turning in my chair. Then I couldn't take it anymore.

I shot up from my sit and ran to the girls restroom. I started to vomit and one of my female classmates, Amanda helped me up to the school clinic. I was sent home that day.

When I got home, my mother took me to the hospital because the stomach ache didn't stop. It didn't even subside. It got worse, if anything. Maybe it's because of the big chicken I ate.

The doctors said it was food poisoning and next week when I went to school, I found out Johnson wasn't in school because he was suffering from the same thing. Did someone intentionally poison the chicken? There's no ruling that option out. I'm the daughter of a billionaire politician and I've already been poisoned before. What's the possibility they won't do it again?

Whoever 'they' are.

My parents said it was advisable I didn't eat anything from school or anywhere that wasn't home anymore. I had to obey for my safety. Damilola on the other hand kept on saying he would have been happier with me gone, but I'm sure he was joking. That boy loves me to bits, he just doesn't know it yet.


My best friend was poisoned. I so thought I was going to lose her again. Thank God I didn't. All through that week, Daniel and I spent some time together and we even went to visit her every day. It was like he was truly my boyfriend. And he really is an amazing person.

"Hey, Rach", Speaking of the Devil. He kissed the top of my head and stood beside me in the suya joint. Why does he have to be sweet even when we're not in school? "Did you wait long? I had to clean the house and Eniola was making a fuss about me not letting her go to her friend's place instead", he said and I shook my head.

"Can't you spank the life out of her? That girl needs correct beating", I said and waited for him to keep talking. I enjoyed the sound of his voice.

"How's Demi? I saw her back in school", he asked and I nodded my head quickly.

"She's okay now. Food poisoning. It's better she stays off street food for now. If not, she'd have been here", I said.

"No, she won't", he said.

"What..? I'm only saying she likes suya and anything meat so she would..."

"Why would she be on our date?", he said and my eyes almost fell on the floor. It's a surprise they're still in their sockets.

"Date?", I whispered but it was already our turn to place our order and he didn't hear me anymore. "I actually need help with something", I said.

"What is it?"

"It's Demilade's birthday next week. I need to bake a lot of small chops and cake because she can't eat outside food so I thought you'd help?", I asked, sipping from my Fanta. She also liked Fanta, now she can't drink it.

"So I look like baker or what? When did I ever tell you I liked baking?", he asked, vibrating with laughter while his mouth was full with the suya.

"Bad manners", I said, cleaning the pieces of meat that fell from his mouth with my hanky. "I can bake. You just need to help me", I said in my most pleading voice ever. He can't resist it.



"What do you mean by that? No? I begged you, I never beg"

"I said no sha. I'm a very busy boy. I need to study, work and do other stuff like take care of--"

"I have PS 5 in my house"

"When did you say was the birthday?", he said and I just laughed. I thought he had a bunch of things to do. One thing I need to ask now: where would I get PS 5?

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