05 | Chances

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Happy New Year!!!


I got home anticipating two calls or texts. Why did two guys have to ask for my number the same day? Which kind of sin did I commit?

Well, it was already 6pm when I got home and since my dad was going to be home in three hours, I decided to just draw.

I took out my sketch pad, browsing through the other drawings I've done before and starting a new one. But, what could I draw?

I put my pen on the paper and just let it lead me to whatever finished work I would have after. I put on my headset, listening to Rema's Ginger Me.

Then the music stopped and I heard my ringtone. I immediately picked up my phone and saw an unknown number. It wasn't David because I had his number. So it was either Reggie or someone else.

I answered.

"Hello?", I spoke into the phone.

"How far? Sorry, it's Reggie", he said and I went to sit on my bed.

"I'm fine. Oh, it's Demilade"

"I know that"

"How did you get my number?", I asked, trying to feign ignorance.

"Let that be my little secret, okay?"

"Whatever", this guy's an idiot, "why exactly are you calling?"

"I wanted to know if you've given an answer"

"Answer to what?"

"What do you think?"

"Look, Reggie, I thought I told you that--"

"Partner, it doesn't matter what you told me. I am willing to change your mind"

The audacity of this boy.

"Really?", I smiled, "and how exactly are you going to do that?"

"Just give me permission to impress you"

"I don't understand. Give you permission, as how?"

"Demilade, it's not quantum physics. Just, I want you to give me a chance"

I bit my lower lip. "Okay, fine", I agreed. "Whatever you have planned, it better not hurt me", I warned.

"It won't hurt you. But as long as you don't see some other guy, it doesn't have to hurt anyone", he said.

Who was this guy?

"Possessive, aren't we?", I teased.

"I am", he said.

I just giggled. "So, what do you have planned? How exactly are you going to impress Demilade Stephanie Olabode?"

"Your name's Stephanie?"

"Is that the point?"

"Can I call you Steph?"

"I really don't care. Just tell me what you have planned"

"Well, I want you to come for the Sports Day and you'll see"

"I can't come. Sports and I don't go hand in hand"

"You don't like Sports?"

"No, Sports don't like me"

He laughed over the phone and my heart jumped at the sound. He had a beautiful laugh. "Just come. It's not a request"

"Is this your way of impressing me?"

"You'd see. Speaking of see, would I be seeing you there?", He asked, anticipation in his voice.

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