09 | Together

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I am so sorry, I'm late! I couldn't update yesterday because, well, school is just hectic. Thanks for understanding!


The next day was filled with just learning and learning. Believe me, I was smart and all but I definitely didn't like learning. It made my head ache a lot.

Rachael was an art student and the only subjects art students did with us were some general subjects like Maths, English, etc. And then an extra science one: Biology. So, I didn't see her much and I couldn't even ask about her new boyfriend.

After the lunch break, the school declared the rest of the day FREE. They said we had to practise for the Sports Day coming up next week and then the art sponsorship stuff. I was going to have my first class today.

"So, firstly, I want you all to imagine anything and just put it on paper", the teacher, Miss Debbie said to all of us who had applied for the art sponsorship. She was sitting on a stool in the middle of the circle the students had formed with their blank canvas facing us.

I was nervous, mostly. What if I didn't draw well and get kicked out? But they're not kicking people out so that was highly unlikely.

Reggie sat beside me and was already putting something down on the canvas. I heaved a sigh and looked at the friendship bracelet Rachael and I had together.

Together. Forever.

We customised it because we wanted the same kind Alex and Nicole had in Alex and Co.

Then I decided to just draw the both bracelets hanging off a thread but stil together. It showed Friendship and I started thinking, maybe I could just draw it for the main art sponsorship. That could work.

When we were through, Miss. Debbie collected our works, saying the scores would be out by the end of the day. Then, those that were part of the Sports Day went out to practise. Reggie was one of them and he told me to come watch him play.

I agreed since there was nothing else to do.

He opened his bag and brought out a shirt. "I want you to wear this on Sports Day when I'm playing football", he said, stretching it out to me.

I took it because he needed to change into our school's sport wear. I looked at the shirt. It was a jersey with his name on it, and number. "Reggie, you know I'm not your girlfriend ba(right)?" I asked him, giving him a funny look.

He changed successfully and gave me a wink. "Not yet", and he left to the field to practise. Immediately he entered, the girls that were sitting on the bleachers started yelling his name.

I looked back at the shirt. If I wore it on that day, what would he wear? Then I remembered that they were playing house by house so he didn't need the jersey.

If girls saw me wearing the original jersey of Reggie Williams, they were bound to jump into conclusion and then start hating on me. I already had a bad social life, I didn't want to ruin it for me.

As I walked towards the bleachers, I felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me into an empty class. I was so worried that it was a kidnapper that I didn't even check the face of the person and started thrashing around.

"Calm down, Demi. It's me, Christopher", he said, holding me one place. I gave him a look and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Can't you call my name? Did you have to drag me like that? Do you think this is a movie?", I asked, my heart racing in my chest.

"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you without Reggie telling me not to", he said, walked to the door and locked it.

"Why would Reggie tell you not to talk to me?", I asked as I sat on a chair, trying to get my breathing under control.

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