The Date

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Time and space are relative matters
Sparked by a magical hour and place
Surrounded by an ancient world
I was made for another world
Lying in wait until the day comes
Things don't always go unseen
Nothing stays a secret
Hidden in plain sight
Followed fast followed faster
Caught from some unhappy master
Living in an indifferent world

This illusion is something real
Something that I feel
Existing as a thing, a fact; not imagined
Having a belief without an identifiable reason
Another planet unlike the earth
Searching through the cosmic seas
This time is a confusion
Suffering from some sort of a delusion
False impressions don't mean a thing
I'm finally lodging in full swing
Dwelling in my collected state

We were given the time, the hour, and the date. He told us when He was coming. Many people didn't believe until He told us exactly what to expect. Tomorrow is the date, and we are getting ready. Today was the day for the big party to celebrate His return and our going home. This world will soon end, and we will stop suffering as a united nation. We have been running and ruining our lives to the ground, and it's time for it to end.

I know I haven't lived a perfect life, but no one has, and no one can. I remember as a child reading in our history books that we have had two world wars before the one that is going on right now. This last world war is the reason for His return. To be honest, I couldn't tell you what the war was about. Back in the day, when I was younger, my grandmother used to say to me how the last war would end it all, and soon we would be at peace. I never understood what she was talking about until He gave us our sign.

I went up to the attic in my family home and unlocked the door. The light from the sunshine through the cracked wood boards on the windows made the flying dust easier to see dancing around the air. I walked over to my chest that held all of my family's treasure. I opened it and pulled out this little black book with gold letters written across; that was my grandmother's. I flipped through the pages wishing I could read what the words said. It's illegal to read, let alone have a book, and I could be killed.

I know that I said when I was younger, I read in our history books. But that was a long time ago. All of the books were burned, and if anyone was caught hiding them, they were killed. The government told us it was for our protection. Nothing was ever explained. They pulled everyone from schools and shut them down. It was something about a breach in security. However, I still remember a few words. I wouldn't be caught dead trying to read anything, so every word is slowly slipping away. Even if this world is ending, I still want to enjoy the little life.

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