The Truth part two

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They say everything happens for a reason

Everything happens in a season

But what happens when someone 

tries to control that reason

But what happens when someone 

attempts to control the season

He is the reason for everyone's reason

He is the reason for everyone's being

But it's too late; the truth will be revealed

There is no stopping us you can't fight us

There is no stopping us the truth is from us

It figures that his parents would teach him to read. The government has to know everything while keeping everyone else in the dark. 

"What do you mean you can read and your parents taught you? You never told me this, Taylor August? How could you hide something like this from me." 

"Oh, like, you didn't hide this from me." 

He did have a point, but I wouldn't let him win. I don't trust him already, and he pulls a stunt like this. 

"I just found out about that letter." 

"Well, what about the book and the fact that you can read." 

"Your parents work for the government. That's why I never told you. It's against the law to know how to read, let alone own a book. And besides, I thought I forgot how to read. I didn't think it was important until now." 

"Well, that's why I didn't tell you. I thought the less you knew. I was trying to protect you. I figure that you didn't know how to read what would be the point in telling you that I do." 

"I'm sorry." we both said at the same time. 

"It doesn't matter who's sorry. what matters is getting the truth to everyone." 

"So, what's the plan?"

"Do you think that we can pull this off?" 

"We have to try. Everyone deserves to know the truth." 

"I don't feel comfortable with this." 

"Taylor, you said that you would help." He looked at me strangely. 

"It's not okay to call me that. I will help, but I don't have to like it. I don't want anything to happen to you." 

"I promise I won't let anything happen to me. besides, I'm going to be a valuable asset." 

"Before we start, there are a few things that I want to tell." 

"Wow, I can't believe it. All this time." He shook his head. 

"I wanted to tell you I just couldn't." 

"I understand. I don't know why but I do." 

"Now that you know...I guess this is goodbye." 

Taylor August explained precisely what the government has been doing and his role in everything. He never knew his birth parents. He was taken from them and assigned to the R.P.: register procreators as a baby. He didn't find this out until his 10th-year achievement. 

His mission was to find anybody looking to betray the government and turn them in. Since he believed the government was good, he didn't mind. He was taught that the government was here to protect us and that people who disagreed with the government were terrible. He thought if he caught a few people with books, reading, or speaking badly about the government were enemies that had to be turned in. Who could blame him? We were all taught that. 

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