The Memories

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Creating memories are pointless
If soon we are to pass away
Who's to say that we will live past today?
Everything just becomes aimless
Everything must fly away
Capturing every moment
Trying to captivate every moment
Memory memory, please don't go
I just want one thing to last
I just want one thing to stay the same
I just want some things to remain

"Mom, what was it like when you were younger?" I asked. She looked up nowhere in particular and hummed. 

"Well, it was nothing like it is today. Things were kind of peaceful. Of course, we had our fair share of problems, but when I was your age, kids could have no cares in the world. That's what I wanted for you. To be carefree. Oh, to be carefree." 

She said more to herself than me. 

"Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be just like you." She giggled. 

"Is that so." 

"Um-hum, yep, just like you." 

"When you grow up, I want you to be just like you." She said, poking me in my tummy making me laugh." 

"Remember, there cannot be anyone like you but yourself, ok." 

I nodded, and we sat in the grass the rest of the night gazing into the moonlight.

I woke up next to Taylor August. It was going on lunch, and I was hungry. He had to leave soon, or they would figure out he was gone. We have a scheduled lunch to make sure everyone is eating. If you miss a meal, then you get in trouble. I shook his shoulder a few times, and he slowly started to wake up. 

"Taylor August, wake up; it's time to go." 

"Um, why I don't want to," He said, yawning. 

"You have to; it's almost lunch." 

"Can I just spend the rest of the day with you?" 

"You know better than me that you can't. I wish you could, though." 

He got up and headed towards the back door. Before heading out, he turned around and faced me. 

"Look, I'll be back later. I have a few things to look into, and I'll come back and fill you in." I nodded. He kissed my forehead and said, "Goodbye, Risen May." 

"See you later, Taylor August," I said and watched him walk out the door.

I wish we didn't have to live like this. I guess it doesn't matter since everything will end soon. And so, the memories we once had will quickly fade.

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