The Party

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The party is over

No more coming over

The world is bleeding

yet were still dreaming

But it's time to wake up 

The party is finally dead

The world must soon get ahead

After I was caught, I was put into another all-white room. Hearing about my mother being killed put me in a state of shock. I always knew that the government was lying to us, but I wouldn't think they were murderers. We always heard stories of people being killed. 

But that was if they betrayed the government. My mother was the most caring and sweetest human on the planet. She lived her life for everyone but herself. Whenever I questioned some of the governments' ways, she would tell me that they were here to protect us and not believe any of the nonsense people spat about. 

I can't think of anything that would make her be branded as a traitor. She was killed. Oh, mom, I wish you would've left me more than just that note. Mr. Calender walked into the room with Taylor August right behind him. 

"Ah, Miss May. The things that you have done are punishable by death. And I don't know what you think you found or what you know. It's not like anybody will believe anyway. You see, the government is what you call an agent de contrôle de l'esprit. An agent that controls the mind. Our programs are what is best for this world. Suppose you read your history books. Oh, I'm sorry you aren't allowed to read. But that hasn't stopped you before, has it? Anyways back to me. When I started this world, it was for the greater good: one world, one government, one love. I created the WGL Order to protect people from traitors like your mother. And now you. But it doesn't matter now. We know He is real, and He is coming back. So, I guess it's pointless to discard you?"

He leaned down closer to my chair and put his hands on the arm of the chair. 

"If it weren't for Taylor August, I would kill you. Make sure you thank him." He whispered in my ear. 

Mr. Calnder walked over to Taylor August and whispered something in his ear. I heard Talor August would do. Mr. Calender walked out of the room, leaving Taylor August and me to ourselves. I heard Taylor August let out a huge sign. 

"Did we pull?" 

"Don't okay. I'm only here to escort you out." 

I knew that it was code not to say anything because we were not in the clear just yet. 

"Here, put this on." He handed me a blindfold. After putting it on, I felt my arms tied behind my back. 

"It's going to be okay. Trust me, okay," Taylor August said.

I felt myself being led somewhere. Once I felt a cool breeze, I knew we had to be outside. 

"Have patience; we are almost there." 

We were at our destination because I felt my hands being free, so I took the blindfold off. 

"What's going on? Did our plan work?" 

I was so anxious to find out.

 "It did. I had to try and convince Mr. Calender not to kill you. He was so adamant about it. But we got the information that we needed." 

"How? I mean, I did find some information, but I couldn't piece it together." 

"None of that matters. The information you found was part of the truth. The book is the whole truth. I was able to go back into the room and gather everything. I placed everything on this small chip. Now, all we have to do is broadcast it to the world." 

"Well, when do we do that?" Taylor August smiled at me. 

"The Party. Make sure you look your best because the truth will be revealed. 

We walked along the streets. Everyone was in their best-dressed clothes. The party was soon to start. People didn't know that the party was just one big hoax. 

This isn't how the world is supposed to end. This isn't how we are supposed to get ready for El Elyon. Everyone is out here drinking and dancing. Not a care in the world. 

People are parading around. They have no idea what is going on or what is about to happen. The ground begins to shake, and I can hardly keep my balance. I reach over to try and grab hold of Taylor August's hand. I

 was beyond scared because I'd never experienced anything like this. Maybe the world just might be coming to an end after all. People began panicking because this was nothing like we had seen before. We never knew that the world could move like this. 

All of a sudden street light started to fall on the ground. Rooftops falling off houses, even some houses collapsing. My ears started ringing from the loud noise. People ran around, unsure how to shelter themselves from what was going on. 

"Risen May, are you okay," Taylor August yelled. I shook my head yes and grabbed onto him even more. When I didn't think it would get any worse, the ground started to split open. 

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