The Lies

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Lies, lies, and more lies...
Pretty lies...
Ugly truth...
You say such pretty things...
Captivating me in your mythical truth...
Reciting fables...
That tall, tall tell... 
That fall fall fail...

Finding out everything that you thought was the truth is a lie. Her whole life is one big lie. One big lie. Life is just a lie. They needed her to fulfill the prophecy. He was too honest to believe in. So it made it easy to deny. She was the only one to free them so they would know a lie. Their whole life has been a lie. The government trying to protect them is just as basic as the lies they tell.

Taylor August came back and explained to me that the events leading up to the date are just lies. It's not like I already didn't know this. A few days ago, a bright light cast over the sky. Nobody knew this because of our scheduled sleep times. 

During are schedule sleep times we must take a reap sleep pill and climb into our cylinder chamber. The remedy is to help us get the right amount of sleep that humans need. Our cylinder chamber locks on the outside to be safe while we sleep. However, I don't believe that's what it's for. When I was a little girl, I forgot to take my reap sleep pill, so I tried to get out of the chamber, and it wouldn't open. 

I was so afraid that I started to scream. Nobody heard me, though. It wasn't until my mother came to wake me up the next day. I jumped into her arms. 

"Mommy, I was so scared." 

"Scared of what? She asked. I couldn't open the chamber last night." She looked at me, confused.

"Why would you try and open your chamber?" 

"I forgot to take the reap sleep pill. When I tried to get out to take it, the chamber wouldn't open." 

"They lock it on the outside." She said as If it was normal. "

"Don't tell anyone that you forgot to take your pill." I nodded my head yes. 

"Now where is your reap sleep pills." I pointed to my desk. She got up and took a pill out. I don't know what she did with to this day. 

"Now, promise me you will never forget to take these." 

"I promise, but mommy, why would you need to lock the sleep chamber on the outside?" I asked. 

"To protect us." She said. 

I could tell that she didn't believe that lie either, but I never pressed the issue.

"So are you telling me that a bright light was caster across the sky showing us the time of His arrival and the government broadcasted a false date?" 

"That's what I'm saying. I've seen the recording. My parents showed me. They told me they showed the false date because they want us to be prepared." I grew anxious. 

"So, what's the actual date." "July 3, 7003." He said. 

"That's this Saturday." 


"Well, we have to let everyone know." 

"And how are we supposed to do that, Risen May? I mean, we are not the government ya know. We could go to jail or worse ya know." 

"I know, but it's just not right. It's not right for them to lie, and I'm sick of them lying to us." 

The sad part about that is we don't even know who "them" the government is. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. My eyes grew wide, and I started mumbling to myself, causing Taylor August to look at me like I had lost my mind. Maybe I have, but I'm sick of this government. 

"What if we...yeah that could work...that just might work...ya know if we...yeah." 

"Risen May, what are you talking about?" 

"What if we get this book that they need." 

"What book?" 

"The book that your parents were talking about." 

"Oh yeah but how they burned all the books?" 

I was hesitant to tell him about the book that I still have. Even though he's my best friend, I still don't trust him as he may think. His parents do work for the government. For all, I know he could be using me. 

He could be getting information out of me all this time and going back to telling his parents. I mean how else is it so easy for him to sneak out. 

"They couldn't have burned all the books. We did find out that they were lying right." 

"Yeah, I guess, but how are we going to find these books if they still exist." 

"That's where you come in handy." 

"So, what's the plan?" 

"I don't have a plan yet. I know we need to find this book and let the world know."

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