The Truth

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They have been told a lie
Now the truth will soon be revealed
And someone's going to have to swallow the big pill
Everyone must pay for the way they lived
He is the only one that can save and heal
This world is slowly spinning
Not one person is winning
Will need a lot of prayers (A lot of prayers)
Because there's so much of it to bare
But maybe you just don't care
This world is just not fair

It was now getting dark outside. The sky was a pale purple color. It was so beautiful. The stars were just starting to form into the atmosphere. 

The moon was peeking out behind some of the grey clouds. Dinner time was coming up, but today I would be missing it. I know it's against the law to skip meals, but I have to break that law today. Taylor August will be here soon. 

Soon we will be finding out the truth. We just have to figure out what's going on and let the world know. There were three knocks on the back door, and I knew that Taylor August was. I went to the back and let him in. 

"Hi." He said, hugging me. 

"How did you manage to get out?" 

"My parents had an emergency meeting they had to go to." 

"About what?" 

"I'm not sure." 

"Well, we have to get going. We don't have a lot of time" I walked over to the table to pick up the key.  

"Are you okay, Risen May?" 

"Yes, I'm fine." 

"You don't have to lie to me. I see it every time I'm with you." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I know you don't trust me." 

"Why would you say that? I do trust you." 

"You don't have to lie to me. If this plan is going to work, we need to trust each other." 

"But I do trust you." I looked down and clasped my hands together. 

"I may not trust you completely, but I do trust you," I said above a whisper. 

I looked back up at him, and he didn't look shocked. However, I could tell what I said hurt his feelings just a little.

 "I'm sorry." 

"I understand. If your parents worked for the government, I don't think I would trust you either. I mean, who's to say you wouldn't turn me in." He laughed. 

"So, what's the plan?" 

"Well, that's kind of my plan." 

"What is?" 

"The part about you turning me in." 

I led Taylor August upstairs to the attic; while he kept going on and on about why he couldn't go through with the plan. 

"Risen May, where are we going? Are you even listening to me?" 

Ignoring him, I pulled on the latch that led to the attic. Taylor August moved out the way. 

"Whoa, what is this?" He questioned. 

"It's called an attic. My mother told me a long time ago they used to build houses with them." 

"So, what's up there?" 

"Come and find out." 

I pulled the ladder down and climbed up them with Taylor August following suit. Once we reached the top, I turned to close up the attic. 

"Wow, what is all of this stuff?" 

"A bunch of stuff that has been in my family for a very long time. I don't even know what half of this stuff is." 

"So why did you bring me up here." He begins to examine everything around him. 

"I wanted to show you something."

 I walked over to my grandmother's chest and pulled out the book and the letter my mother had written me. 

"What's this?" 

"It's a letter that my mother wrote me. This book has been in my family for years. It's called The Scrolls. In the letter, my mother  told me that this book is the book of truth." 

His eyes widen. "Are you telling me that you can read and that you have a book? Risen, May do you know how much trouble you can get in if you are caught with this book?" 

"I know that's why I have been hiding it in here." 

"And you still haven't told me about this for a sure plan of yours. If anything were to happen to you." 

"Taylor August, I know, okay. I know what I am doing. It's the right thing to do. We deserve to know the truth. The whole world deserves to know the truth." 

"Sh, just give me a minute to think." 

I sat on the little window seal, watching everyone go back. I can see people getting ready for the party in their homes. We aren't allowed to go out at night or have any lights this late at night. So it was a little strange to watch. 

Taylor August was on the other side of the attic flipping through the pages. He kept looking back and forth between the book and the letter my mother had written me. I was giving him some time to process everything I just told him. I know that it can be a lot to take in. 

I knew he had to be confused because he didn't know how to read. It was banned, forbidden, and punishable by death. Taylor August got up and walked over to me. 

"Some of this is a little confusing, but I understand most of it. Your mother's letter was helpful." 

I frowned in confusion, trying to figure out what he was talking about. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I read your mother's letter and some pages of the book. I mean the books too long to read in one sitting." 

"What do you mean you read? I thought you couldn't read it's forbidden?" 

"My parents taught me." He said. 

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