CHAPTER-25: Burdened With Glorious Purpose

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I went up to the second floor of the Quintuplets' penthouse, and knocked on Itsuki's door. A moment later, she opened the door and let out a frustrated sigh.


"Don't be so disappointed. You brought this on yourself." I said.

"I wish I could go back in time and reverse that awful decision." Itsuki said casually, unaware of the effect those words had on me.

"Downstairs. 5 minutes." I said, and quickly moved away, rubbing my hand over my chest.

She grumbled something under her breath, confused with the interaction we just had, but went back into her room.

I knocked on Yotsuba's door, and was greeted with a beaming smile.

"Zaffar! It's good to see you again!"

"Hey, Yotsuba. It's nice to see you as well."

"What's up?"

"We're having a study session. Let's go."

"Aye, aye, captain!" she saluted me and went back inside, probably to get her stuff.

Moving on to Nino's door, I knocked on it with a sigh already forming. She opened the door, and after seeing me, her expression turned into one of annoyance.

"Ugh, what did I tell you? I am not studying with you." With that, she closed the door on my face.



"I don't know... It's gotta be here somewhere."

"The white one, right?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's the middle of the afternoon, and you're still in bed?"

Yotsuba, who was scrounging around for Ichika's clothes, picked up a pair of black underwear. "Is this thing really yours, Ichika? Whoa, so grown-up!"

"We have the same face. It'd look just as good on you."


"You've had the same underwear since grade school. It's time to throw 'em out."

Yotsuba started flailing her arms around, embarrassed by her sister's words.

"ZAFFAR'S HERE! SHHH!" she then turned to me. "But, I mean, does it look good? Tell me the truth. Do you think I-"

I swiftly turned around and walked out of the room, ignoring the question.

"Fine! It's not like you know what's fashionable anyway!" Yotsuba yelled behind my back.

After gathering four out of five sisters, all of us headed down to study.

"Well, we're all set up now! It's time for us to hit the books!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"I think I'll sit out. I'll just watch you guys." Ichika said.

"Zaffar, remember, you were going to help me study New Tokyo History." Miku said.

"I'd prefer if you let me study by myself, but if I need help, so don't mind me." Itsuki said. While this is not ideal, it's still progress. I thought, as I glanced at Fuutaro.

"I agree, Yotsuba. There's no time like the present, is there?" he said.

Suddenly, Nino walked out of her room and leaned on the railing.

"Come back for more? I thought for sure you'd have given up on this pipe dream by now. I hope you didn't come all the way up here just to take a nap again, sleeping beauty?"

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