The perfect life part 2

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"Vegas, when do you want to tell the others about Venice?" Pete asked while feeding Venice who was sitting in the high chair and smearing the food around him while being fed.

"How about never?" Vegas, who was glad his shirt was this time safe from being used as a napkin, said while sitting at the table and drinking coffee while pretending to read the newspapers. He was trying to read but the sight of happy Pete with Venice was too distracting

"What? You don't want the family to know about him?" Pete asked


"Why not?"

"Why yes?"

"Because we have a child and it should be something the family knows about?" Pete looked at him

"We have a child. It's none of their business" Vegas muttered

Pete rolled his eyes and focussed back on feeding Venice

"So what? You plan to hide Venice in the closet every time someone visits us?"

"Of course not. But... if we'll tell them, they will.. you know... want to interact with him and all" Vegas said

"They are our family Vegas. You don't need to worry about Venice not being safe with them" Pete said gently when he guessed Vegas might just be a bit worried.

"But they are fricking lunetics" Vegas muttered

Pete laughed and shook his head at hearing that, not even bothering to point out that he and Vegas are no better, if not worse.

Vegas stood up and went to them

"Go eat something love" Vegas wanted to take over feeding Venice so Pete could go have some breakfast

"It's ok, I've got it" Pete shook his head

"I did not say you don't. I just want to help you" Vegas smiled at him. Pete gave in and went to grab some breakfast for himself. He sat down near them so he could still be near Venice.

"But you know we really do have to tell them, right?" Pete asked while watching Vegas feed their son.

"Yeah" Vegas rolled his eyes a bit

"So when do you want to tell them then?"

"Look at him. Such a cute little baby" Vegas decided to use Venice as a distraction. It worked and Pete laughed while watching their child.

"Wait...Vegas, don't do that. You can not use him to distract me" Pete said when he realized what was Vegas doing

"I just did. Good job Venice" Vegas chuckled and praised his son

"Vegas" Pete laughed again and shook his head

"We should go get ready. We need to head out soon" Pete noted when he looked at his phone to check the time

"Are you really sure that she is legit?" Vegas asked while taking the now empty bowl and placing in the sink

"Who do you think I am? Do you think I would take our child to a doctor if I was not sure she knows what she is doing?" Pete asked, offended while catching a clean cloth Vegas threw him to clean off the worst of the mess Venice managed to make

They trusted Sanun took good care of Venice but they also saw that she was quite busy while taking care of him so they wanted to be sure Venice is a perfectly healthy baby and that nothing is out of ordinary.

"For such a little thing you are making a big mess aren't you?" he said with a smile while cleaning the child as best as he was able to

"Come on Venice, let's go get dressed" Pete picked him up when he cleaned him the best he was able to and went to their bedroom. Vegas followed them

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