Moving out? You what?

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Pete was passing by Venice's room and out of habit glanced in there to check on his son but when he did he stop and entered the room

"Venice? What are you doing?" Pete asked when he saw that Venice had a big suitcase on the floor and was putting all sorts of stuff there

"I am moving out, daddy" Venice said. He said it happily so Pete was sure it was not some childish fit or anything like that. Venice wasn't upset by the idea of moving out of the compound, unlike Pete who almost had a heart attack when he heard that.

"You what?" Pete asked while watching Venice to add more toys in the suitcase.

"Daddy told me to do that" Venice nodded and ran into his closet for more things he felt he will need

"Daddy told you to move out?" Pete repeated

"Yep" Venice ran back in the room with some clothes in his hand

"But...what... Venice, come here" Pete crouched down and when Venice got to him he picked up his son and walked out of the room

"Daddy, what are you doing? I have to keep packing my stuff" Venice protested

"We need to talk to you father" Pete said. And I need to try to not to kill him, he thought to himself

"But..." Venice started

"Venice" Pete shook his head and when they were at the door to Vegas's office Pete placed Venice back down so he could open the door.

Vegas was on the phone with someone. using the landline he had in his office, but Pete didn't care about that so he walked up to Vegas's desk and snatched the phone out of Vegas's hand and hung up, ending the call by that.

"Pete what the f...hell?" Vegas asked when he looked up at his husband but quickly stopped himself from cursing when he noticed Venice next to Pete

"Venice, what are you doing again? What did you tell me you were doing in your room?" Pete looked at his son

"Packing?" Venice said a bit confused

"Packing because?" Pete asked

"I am moving out"

"And why are you moving out?" Pete wondered and looked at Vegas who didn't like the way Pete was looking at him

"B...because daddy told me to do that" Venice said

"Daddy told you to do that" Pete repeated and crossed his arms over his chest, Vegas was sure to stop himself from reaching out to him and trying to strangle him

"What?" Vegas asked confused by hearing that

"I didn't" he shook his head while looking at Pete

"You did!" Venice protested

"What? When?" Vegas asked confused and stood up from his chair and went to his son, feeling Pete not taking his eyes off him for even one second

"You said that's what I should do. To move out"

"Venice I have no idea what you are talking about" Venice said a bit desperate for there being an explanation to it because otherwise he's a deadman

"I came to you and asked why do you and daddy live together and you said that's because you really really like each other" Venice tried to refresh Vegas's memory.

"I... yes, yes that's true" Vegas vaguely remembered that. Venice came to him earlier that day and started to ask about that but Vegas was only half listening to him because he was busy with something

Vegas/PeteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora