Hide and Seek

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"Venice... come on, buddy... you've won, ok?" Porsche was saying while entering the living room. He sounded only a little bit stressed while saying it.

"Venice?!" he called out again and then left to go search other rooms

"Ven..oh thank God you're back, Kinn" Porsche said when he noticed his husband in the hallway

"What?" Kinn asked and went to Porsche

"You have to help me"

"Of course. What do you need?"

"We need to find Venice"

"Find Venice? Why do we need to find him?" Kinn asked confused

"Well..." Porsche started and ran his hand through his hair

"Porsche?" Kinn raised his eyebrows

"We...are playing hide and seek. And I can't fricking find him anywhere" Porsche confessed

"How long are you looking for him?"

"For... like an hour" Porsche looked at his watch

"Why of all games did you start to play this one with him?!" Kinn didn't understand

"Because Chay always liked playing hide and seek when he was little so I thought Venice will like it as well" Porsche defended himself

"The difference is that your house was tiny so it was easy to find Chay there. Venice could be anywhere in here" Kinn placed his hands on his hips

"Hey! Our house was not tiny, ok? It's not my fault that your house is so stupidly huge" Porsche said offended

"It is! That's why it's a bad idea to play hide and seek here. Especially with a child" Kinn said

"Are you going to help me to find him or not?" Porsche crossed his arms over his chest

"Of course I am going to help. If we will not find him before they're come to pick him up, Vegas will shoot you... and me as well" Kinn said

"I am more worried about what Pete would do to be honest" Porsche muttered and gestured Kinn to follow him to look for the boy

"Come on Venice... show yourself" Porsche said and whistled few times when he and Kinn entered another room

"It's a child, not a dog, Porsche" Kinn rolled his eyes while looking around the room

"I think I know more about kids than you do" Porsche replied while searching places where a child might want to hide

"Yeah, how to lose them, for example" Kinn muttered while helping Porsche to look for their nephew

"I didn't lose him!"

"No, you just don't know where he is" Kinn rolled his eyes

"That's the point of hide and seek" Porsche noted

"Well... then you should be proud uncle because Venice is being very good at hiding" Kinn looked at his husband who actually looked quite pleased with how well Venice managed to hide

"Vegas and Pete will kill us both if we will not find him" Kinn reminded Porsche of how serious the situation was so Porsche focused on the search again

"What if he is outside... what if he left the compound" Porsche said, now quite stressed when he and Kinn were still nowhere near to finding the boy

"The bodyguards would not let him leave" Kinn shook his head knowing that the men would not let Venice wander off alone

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