Beware The Loophole

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"Venice... do not even think about that" Vegas said, glad that he managed to stop his son from decorating the wall of their hallway with the sharpie he had in hand and that was getting dangerously close to the wallpaper

"But..." Venice turned to his dad

"Venice. We do not draw on walls in this house" Vegas shook his head while going to his son and reached out his hand to take the sharpie from Venice

"But Anong can do that" Venice noted while unhappily giving Vegas the sharpie

"Niran let's Anong draw on the walls at home?" Vegas asked skeptical about that. He knew that Niran is an artist but he was sure he was not crazy enough to let his child draw on the wall all she wanted. Anong was good at drawing but Vegas was sure Niran still didn't allow her to draw on the walls

"Well... kind of" Venice muttered

"Kind of?" Vegas asked amused

"She can do that in her room" Venice said

"I see. So Anong is not allowed to draw on just any wall in their house, is she?

"But she still can draw on the walls" Venice insisted

"Ok... ok so how about this. If I would let you draw on the walls in your bedroom, will you promise me that you will do that there and nowhere else? Only in the room where you and your friends sleep" Vegas decided to bargain to keep his house safe

"Only where people sleep?" Venice asked

"Yes" Vegas nodded

"Ok, daddy. I promise" Venice nodded immediately and Vegas smiled and crouched down to hug his son, glad that they managed to come to an agreement. He was sure Pete would be ok with that. If Venice's drawings will get out of hand in his room they can always just paint the room, that would not be a problem.

"Ok. Go and play, buddy" Vegas stood up and ruffled Venice's hair and the boy giggled and ran away.

Vegas smiled to himself, proud how he handled the situation while putting the sharpie in his pocket and heading to his office


"Venice!" Pete was shocked when he entered the living room and saw Venice sitting by the wall and adding more little drawings on it. There was a lot of what Venice draw already and he was still adding more

Venice turned around, spooked by the sudden noise but then he smiled at Pete

"Hi, daddy" he greeted his dad and jumped to his feet to hug him. Even when Venice wrapped his arms around Pete's legs Pete couldn't look away from the wall having no idea where did Venice got the idea to do that

"Venice, what are you doing?" Pete looked down at his son

"Drawing?" Venice said confused "Look. This is you, this is daddy... there is Ryu and..." Venice ran back to the wall and began to describe the drawings there

"But... did someone let you do that?" Pete asked "Who?" he asked, about to kill that person when Venice smiled and nodded to confirm it

"Daddy said I can do this" Venice smiled

"Oh... I am about to be a widower" Pete thought to himself while taking out his phone and texting Vegas to get in the living room, NOW.

"Venice come here" Pete crouched down and reached out his hand to Venice who started to draw something else on the wall again, but when Pete reached his hand he ran to his dad

"Angel I have no idea what your dad told you, but you really can not draw on walls" Pete said

"But daddy said I can" Venice shook his head

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