Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning with a strange feeling in my gut and it wasn't a good one. I dressed in a black tank top, blue cargo pants, and black ninja sandles. After I put on my bandages on, I walked downstairs to make myself some ramen, only to come to complete stop in the kitchen walkway. Tsunade and Hinata-chan had cooked enough food to feed a small army.

"Good morning, Naruto-kun." Hina-chan greeted.

"Ohayo, Naruto-san. We hope you're hungry." Tsunade replied. I noticed that she didn't look as weird as she did yesterday.

"I'm starving." I said sitting down.

Hina-chan sat my plate in front of me then kissed my cheek before she went to make her own.

"Itadakimas." I exclaimed before digging into my food.

After we finished eating, I waited while they went to get dressed, we headed to Hokage Tower to speak with Oji-san.

"Oji-san!" I barged into his office. Hina-chan and Tsunade stood outside the door.

"Naruto. How's my grandson doing?" He said putting his brush down on his desk.

"There's someone here to see you." I looked at him seriously.

He was surprised by the tone of my voice.

"Bring them in."

I opened the door and motioned for them to come in. Hinata-chan grabbed my hand and let Tsunade through. When she did, Oji-san gasped.

"Tsunade-chan. Y-you're here." Jiji-san rose from his seat and walked towards Tsunade.

"It's nice to see you to, Hokage-sama." Tsunade said giving him a fake smile. Something is seriously wrong with this woman. How could she not be excited to see her teacher after all these years?

"Why are you here? I didn't recall you to the village." He asked.

I knew it! Something is wrong.

"I got word that my god son was alive and had been adopted, so I came to check on him myself. I was told by the Elders that my god son died that night, so I left the village. When I arrived to the village yesterday, I heard whispers about a boy named Naruto who used to cause trouble." Tsunade explained.

Her god son?

"So, you asked around and that's how you found him." Oji-san finished.

"Exactly. I was surprised when a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, that looked just like my Naru-chan, answered the door." Tsunade looked extremely pissed. That's why she looked so tense yesterday. Seeing me after being told I was dead must have pissed her off. Wait a minute! Am I her god son? 

Oji-san looked like he wanted to kill someone. "Boar!"

An ANBU stepped out from the shadows and bowed. "Yes, Hokage-sama?"

"Get the entire council here now! If they aren't here in twenty minutes, there will be hell to pay!" Yep, definitely pissed.

"Yes sir!" Boar disappeared.

"Those bastards will not get away with this! Tsunade-chan, I'm sorry you were lied to. You weren't the only one though. Jiraiya-kun was told that he died in the Kyubi attack with Minato-kun as well. We've been looking for you for months to tell you the truth. They will be arrested for treason, now that I know who was involved." Oji-san started uttering curses under his breath.

"Um Oji-san, what about school?" I asked slowly.

"Class will start a bit late today. I need to talk to you about your parents first." He told me.

"What about them?" I asked skeptically.

"Naru-chan, your parents are Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Sadly, they were both killed the night you were born, but you have god parents. A god mother and a god father." Jiji explained kneeling down in front of me.

"You're telling me that my god mother is here? That's crazy Oji-san. The only other girl in the room is....." I trailed off and turned to Tsunade-san. "Ojis-san, this has to be some kind of joke. She looks young enough to be my sister! And what about my god father?"

"This is no joke, and your god father is Jiraiya of the Sannin." He said softly.

I felt tears slide down my face as I looked at all three of them. Hinata-chan had a worried look on her face, Tsunade had tears in her eyes, and Oji-san's eyes were begging me to understand. I couldn't take it anymore, so I leaped out the window and ran. I didn't stop until I reached the forest. I sat down in a tree and cried. I don't know how long I stayed there, bit it wasn't until I heard voices that I noticed the sun had set. I hid my chakra and listened.

"I hope Lord Orochimaru hurries the hell up! If he's going to destroy this damn village, he needs to get his shit together and get on with it!"

"Stop complaining. Tomorrow, we will destroy the village and capture the Jinchuriki as planned."

"The Leaf Village will finally fall!"

As quietly as I could, I made my way back to the village. When I reached the gates, I hopped over them and ran back to Oji-san's office.

"Oji-san! Oji-san! Orochimaru-teme is planning to attack the village tomorrow!" I burst through the doors. There were gasps throughout the entire room.

I realized that the council was in a meeting. Damn that was fast.

"What!" Oji-san exclaimed.

"I overheard two of his spies talking about it in the woods. He's planning on destroying the village tomorrow and capturing something called a Jinchuriki." I was confused about that last part.

"How do you know about him Naru-chan?" Inoichi-san asked.

"I accidently heard Jiraiya-jiji talking about it with Ibiki-san the last time he was here." I admitted sheepishly.

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