Chapter 18

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Hinata was sitting the living room when we walked through the door. She had tea and cinnamon buns sitting on the table waiting for us. After four of us sat down, I started talking.

"Now that the Snake teme is dead, what are we going to do?"

"Well, you guys have to go back to the academy tomorrow. You have to take your genin exam and Hokage-sama has to assign teams and sensei's." Otou-san said as he took a  sip of his tea.

"Sweet. I can't wait to see who my sensei is." I smiled.

"I hope we get to be on the same team." Hinata mumbled as she took a bite of her bun.

"Me to, but I might get paired with Sasuke and Sakura since I didn't do very good in school. You might get paired with dog breath and Shino." I told her.

"That is very true Naru-chan.  Since you did poorly in school, you will most likely be paired with the Rookie and Konoichi of the year to balance out the team." Tou-san turned towards me. "I want you to drop your mask an be yourself. It's time to show everyone what you're really capable of."

I looked at Otou-san and scowled slightly. This made him pulled me into his lap and stroke my head.

"Don't worry about what people say sochi. You are a shinobi now, so they can't hurt you unless they want to be put to death and if they attack, you can retaliate and not be punished for it." Tou-san kissed my forehead.

"Don't let anyone talk down on you Naruto-kun. You have the skills to be the ninja in the village, once you get proper training, sochi." Okaa-san cooed before walking into the kitchen.

"Why don't the two of you rest up for bit. It's been a long day and I'm pretty sure you're exhausted." Tou-san said picking us up.

"I'm beat." I yawned, tucking my face into tou-san's neck. I looked at Hina-chan and smiled when I saw that she was already alseep. I snuggled into Tou-san's chest and lowly drifted off to sleep.

Kushina's POV

I watched as Iruka-san took the kids to bed and blushed when I saw him walk into the room in just a pair of pajama pants and a tank top and sit across from me. I couldn't help sighing when  I realized how much of Naruto's life I've missed. I'm so happy Naruto has people looking after him. 

"Kushina-san, are you alright?" He asked frowning slightly.

"I'm okay. I want to thank you again, for looking after Naruto." I said looking into his eyes.

"It's no problem Kushina-san. I used to babysit Naru-chan when I was a chunin, and I came to love him like my own son." Iruka-san blushed slightly then frowned. "I admit, it was hard keeping him safe, due to the villagers hating him, but Hokage-sama, Kakashi-kun and a few others always managed. I had decided to adopt him after he started the Academy and he's been living with me ever since."

"What about Hinata?" I asked taking a sip of my tea. 

"She and Naruto were childhood friend growing up. We saved Hinata-chan fromher clan a few days ago after she was banished from her clan and they found out about Naruto and her being together. She's been  staying with us ever since." Iruka-san was scowling at the table.

"I'm glad those two have people like you in their lives Iruka. You're an amazing person for taking in two kids and raising them." I said kissing his cheek, making him blush. 

"It was nothing. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat." He smiled as he stroked my cheek. "Let's head to bed. We have a long day tomorrow."

We walked into his room and climbed into the king sized bed and went to sleep.

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