Chapter 7

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"Hina-chan do you want to go get a few cinnamon buns after school? I know you like them." I said.

"I'd love to." She said.

Just as we were about to enter the classroom a voice called out to us.

"Naruto and Hinata, Hiashi-sama wants to see you."

It was a Hyuga guard.

"You tell that bastard he'll have to wait until after school." I growled at him.

The guard nodded then vanished.

"Naruto-kun. What do you think father wants with us?" Hina-chan asked.

"I think he's going to try and put the Caged Bird Seal on you. I know your father Hinata. He's going to try to separate us and get rid of me.  I think we should bring Otou-san with us and have Jiji-san put up a few guards just in case he tries something." I said sitting in my seat.

"I agree with you. I don't trust my father. I'll be damned if I let him put that seal on me." She growled.

"Naruto-kun, Hinata-chan. What's wrong?" Otou-san asked.

"Hiashi-teme sent one of his guards to come and get us. I think he's going to try to put the Caged Bird Seal on Hinata-chan. I also think he's going to try and get rid of me." I told him.

"Over my dead body. I'll have the Hokage send guards just in case. I don't want to take any chances." He snarled causing us to jump.

"Iruka-sensei. My father is ruthless. He'll do anything to get his hands on us. What he doesn't know is the fact that I know all the clan laws and can use them against him. If he tries anything, we can make to were he gets executed and Neji-niisan becomes clan head." Hinata-chan told us.

"Hina-chan you're brilliant. Since Hiashi-teme has been head of the clan, everyone has been slowly forgetting about the old clan laws. I know for a fact that since Hiashi-teme banished you, he no longer has control over you. That means he can't put the Caged Bird Seal on you unless he wants to be executed for attacking a fellow Konoha ninja." I summarized.

"You're smarter than people give you credit for Naruto-kun. I'm glad you know these things just in case something like this happens in the future." Tou-san said ruffling my hair.

"Naru-kun, maybe it's time you drop your mask and show your true self." She whispered into my ear.

"Alright." I sighed.

 "What's wrong?" Tou-san asked.

"Nothing. I'm going to drop my mask and show my true self." I said.

"I think it's time to show everyone you're not the idiot they think you are." Hina-chan said kissing my cheek.

"I'm with you one hundred percent Naruto. Now let's go into the classroom before they start asking questions."



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