Chapter 14

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"You accidently overheard?" Oji-san asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. I was going to ask Jiji-sama to train me, and I overheard them talking." I said.

"Alright Naru-chan. You said they plan on attacking the village tomorrow? Right?" He questioned me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Go find your Aniki and tell him to gather the Jonins and start an evacuation, but they need to do it quietly so that we don't alert the spies. The Genin and Chunnin will stay with the civilians until their either needed or the battle is over. Naruto-chan, you will help protect the civilians since your mid chunnin level. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." I said walking out the door.

"Naruto-kun wait!"

I turned to see Tsunade running to catch up to me. I waited for her to catch up before taking off to Kakashi-niisans house.

"Did the elders really tell you I died that night to attack?" I asked her.

"Yes. They told me you, Kakashi-kun and Minato-kun died. I was too heartbroken to stay and find out for myself, so I left." She explained.

"I was told that you left me to die after the Kyubi was sealed into me. I lived my whole life thinking that you, my god mother had abandoned me to." When we stopped in front of Aniki's house, I turned to her and smiled. "It's nice to know that you actually loved me and only left because you were told I died with Nii-san and Hokage-sama."

"Thank you for forgiving me Naruto-kun." She said.

"There's nothing to forgive." I replied hugging her briefly.

I turned and knocked on the door. Kakashi-niisan answered the door with a worried look on his masked face. "What's wrong otouto?"

"There's going to be an attack on the village tomorrow. I overheard two of Orochimaru's spies talking about it in the forest. Oji-san wants you to gather all the Jounins together and slowly start evacuating the village. He said to make sure not to cause any panic throughout the city that could alert the spies." I explained to him.

Niisan looked over my shoulder and seemed to do a double-take. His eyes got so big, I thought they were going to fall out of his head. "Tsunade-sama."

"Hello Kakashi-kun." She said softly.

"But how? I thought you said you would never return to the village after all that's happened?" He gasped as he closed the distance between them, hugging her tightly.

"I was told that the three of you had died in the attack as well along with Kushina. That's why I left the village, but we'll talk about this later." She said letting Niisan go. "Start evacuating the village. There are some tunnels that run under the forest. The entrance is a tree that has a flower implanted in front of it. There's a genjutsu placed on it so that ten people can go in at once. Once the village is clear, head to Hokage-sama's office and wait for his orders."

"Alright. Naruto-kun, what will you be doing?" Niisan asked.

"I'm going to stay with the civilians and genins. I won't fight unless it's absolutely necessary." I told him.

"Alright." Niisan went into his house only to come out a second later dressed in his ANBU gear. "I'll you guys later." He disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Let's go. I need to get the rest of the Rookie Nine together and explain the plan." I said heading towards the training grounds.

"Okay. I'll help the evacuation. See ya later." Tsunade took off towards the Academy.

When I reached the training grounds, I noticed everyone was already there. I took to the trees and landed in front of them. There were gasps of surprise when they saw me, so I took that moment to speak. "Guys listen up. There's going to be an attack on the village tomorrow, so we need your help to get the genins and civilians out safely. We don't want to let the enemy know we're aware of their plan, so you'll need to be quiet about it. The Jounins have already started the evacuation, so we're going to assist them. When the village is clear, the Jounins will report to Oji-san while we wait with the others. Understood?" I demanded.

"Yes sir!" They shouted.

"Naruto-kun." A soft voice said.

I spotted Hina-chan standing in the back of the group smiling. I walked over to her and took her into my arms. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"I would love to stay and talk, but we have get moving. It's already after eight and we still have a whole village to clear. We'll talk later, okay." I assured her.

"Okay Naru-kun. Let's go." She said.

"Alright everybody. Let's go!"

Everyone jumped into action immediately. We had the entire village cleared out by midnight. There was enough food in the tunnels to last for a few months, and the genjutsu on the tree was really strong.

"What's next Oji-san?" I asked him as he paced his office.

"I want you to wait in the tunnels until I call for you." He said.

"Yes Oji-san. Ashiteru Oji-san." I disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

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