Chapter 11

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"Please calm down otouto. She's not worth your time. Don't let her rile you up. You know what went on at Hinata's house. You don't have to explain yourself to her." Kakashi said rubbing my head.

"Fine! Sakura-san, if you value your life you'll stay away from us for a while. I will not sit here and listen to you talk to us like we did something wrong." I said pulling Hina-chan away from her.

"Fine then. I don't want to hang around a monster and his whore anyway." The banshee screeched.

I stopped mid-step and turned around. I felt aniki stiffen.

"What did you just say to my otouto and and imouto?" Aniki growled between his teeth.

"You heard me." She said smirking.

"You better hope the Hokage doesn't hear about this. You also better pray you don't get put on my team tomorrow. If you do, there will be hell to pay. Come on you two, lets go." Kakashi-kun grabbed our hands and pulled us towards Tou-sans house.

"Aniki what's going on tomorrow?" I asked.

"The Hokage will start arranging the teams tomorrow with the Jonin sensei. Originally, graduation was going to be three weeks from now, but we don't want to waste any time not training you guys. After graduation tomorrow, there is a test. If you pass it, we will go into training immediately. If you don't, you will be sent back to the Academy and put on the reserves list." Aniki-san said as we walked into the living room.

"Otou-san?" I called out.

"In the kitchen." He responded.

"Kakashi-san. Will you train me?" Hina-chan asked.

Aniki looked surprised for a second before giving her a big smile. "Sure Hinata-chan. I know a few jutsu you might like."

We walked into the kitchen to see Otou-san sitting at the table sharpening his weapons.

"I have a last-minute mission tonight that will last two weeks. Kakashi-kun you're going with me, so you'll miss the meeting. Naruto-kun, I want you and Hinata-chan to go stay with your grandpa tomorrow. Don't give him any trouble or I will have you doing laps around the village for a year. Understand?" Otou-san said firmly.


I turned to my Hime and smiled at her. She smiled shyly and blushed. This will be the first time Hina-chan and I are by ourselves, sort of. I will finally be able to be with her without anyone interrupting us every time things got heated. I know we're not old enough to actually make love yet, but I want to go a bit further that just kissing.

"Dinner is in the oven. I want you guys in the bed by ten. Hokage-sama will be taking over the class tomorrow. When I get back, I will test you on everything you've learned while I was gone. If you guys do good, I will give you a free day every week until graduation." Otou-san explain.

"We'll be on our best behavior Iruka-san." Hina-chan said smiling.

"Good. I must be going. Kakashi-san let's go."

We watched as Otou-san dragged Aniki out the door by his arm.

I turned to my Hime and stalked towards her, smirking.

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves tonight. Let's make the most of it." I said stroking her cheek.


She wrapped her arms around my neck and smashed her lips against mine. The kiss was soft yet passionate. I groaned into her mouth as I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her soft body closer. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist as I slid my hands down to her ass. She moaned into my mouth and rubbed against my dick causing me to break the kiss and gasp.

"Naru-kun!" She gasped throwing her head back.

"Hina-chan." I groaned.

"Why don't we take this to our room." Hinata-chan said seductively.


"Damn." I said putting down and walking towards the door.

I opened the door and there stood someone I never expected to see in the village.

Learning to Love (NaruHina) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now