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"How did you get my number and why did you call.." Draco mutters not knowing what else he's supposed to ask, knowing he's treating someone he knows well as if he were a stranger. Laughing as he sits on the other end of the line, Ron shifts in his seat at a small dining table. "Oh please Draco, don't act like that, I found it in the phonebook.. I thought I'd give you a ring" Ron says honestly. Hearing Ron's voice, finding its matured tone rather comforting, Draco shakes off past feelings as they threaten to bubble up. "Well I don't need random calls throughout the day for just a simple chat. I am quite busy, now if you'd kindly not call again it would be appreciated" Draco says in a harsh tone, hanging up quickly. Stepping away from the phone Draco pulls at his collar "Bloody hell I wasn't expecting that today.." he grumbles before returning to his desk, resuming his work.

Startled by the sudden and rude cut to the call Ron sighs hanging up the phone. "Hugo why don't you go and play in the living room..." Ron says walking over to Molly cooking in the kitchen. "Thanks for letting us move back in Mum we know it isn't ideal" he says, giving his Mother Molly a small side hug, watching as Hugo occupies himself in the living room. "Don't worry about it Ron, there's plenty of room back home" Molly says giving Ron a loving pinch on the cheek. "I'm trying to look for a place for us, I promise we won't be here long it's just.. difficult right now" Ron mutters with a sigh. Nodding Molly stirs something in a pot as she seasons it "Oh I know dear, you don't need to explain your situation to me, you know the door is always open" Molly says with a smile "Hugo love, do you want to lick the spoon?" she asks as Hugo scurries into the kitchen at her side. "He's just like his Father" Molly says as she gives Hugo the spoon to the chocolate pudding she was stirring giving Ron a small wink. 

Sitting at his desk, Draco runs a hand through his hair as he looks down at all the paperwork in front of him. "I don't care about what flowers should be on her casket, I just want my wife back.." Draco curses in frustration as he stands up, walking over to one of the windows in the room trying to calm down a bit. Crossing his arms over his chest Draco sighs "I can never be content can I? It's always has to be something.." Draco mutters with another heavy sigh, rubbing his temples. Returning to his desk, Draco sorts through a few papers as he talks to himself "First my Father's funeral.." he grumbles picking up some old papers from a year ago setting them aside in a discard pile. "And now my own wife?.." Draco murmurs as he looks over at a pamphlet he picks it up "Marigolds.. she always liked marigolds.."

To Be Continued...

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