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Staring out at the floor with a wide grin, Ron lets out a soft chuckle "Well, well, well I wasn't expecting you to call so soon considering your sour attitude during our little coffee catch up" Ron teases. Rolling his eyes as he enters the Manor with a few bags in tow, Draco kicks the door shut behind him. "Oh well, you know me.. two faced" he says trying to suppress a small smile delighted to hear Ron's voice again so soon. Looking into the office through glass pane in the door, Ron rubs the back of his neck "So, you've decided you wanted to see my face again huh?" he says knowing Draco's smiling on the other end. Setting down the bags as he rummages for a treat he got Scorpius, Draco rolls his eyes again. "Don't say it like that, I just thought about your offer and.. to be honest I've been quite lonely lately. I just thought it'd be nice to catch up with an old... friend" Draco trails off, his smile falling slightly as old memories threaten to surface. Nodding Ron lets out a soft sigh as he recalls their little chat at the cafe, knowing exactly why Draco's been feeling such a way. "Well I'm glad you called then" he says, trying to fill the lull in the conversation "I'd love to catch up, longer than we did today of course" he says with a laugh.

Handing Scorpius the snack he bought him, Draco brushes him away from the rest of the food as he starts to put it away. "Yeah, I think that'd be great, maybe we can go to The Leaky Cauldron and get a pint or two" smiling Ron nods. "Sounds like a plan, I'm free just about any time, so whenever is best for you is fine by me"he says giving George a certain look through the glass as he tries to get his attention. "How about tonight, around seven? I have some Ministry work to finish up but I should be free around then" smiling again for the hundredth time during their short conversation, Ron nods. "It's a date, see you then" he taunts before hanging up knowing exactly what he is doing. Smirking Draco hangs up on his end as he reads into the drawing room, shutting the doors behind him he lets out a sigh "Alright... time to get to work.." he says putting his hands on his hips seeing the massive pile of paperwork on his desk. 

"Let me guess.." George says as Ron returns from his chat out in the hallway hearing the entire conversation from a distance, giving him a certain look Ron nods. "Yep, we're meeting up at The Leaky Cauldron at seven tonight" he says quirking his brow with a cheeky grin. Rolling his eyes George laughs "Merlin Ron, don't expect to get laid just because he said yes, that's not what should be on your mind right now" shrugging Ron kicks his feet up onto his desk. "Then what should be Mr. Know-it-all" looking at him George adjusts his reading glasses "Well for starters you should consider how vulnerable he is right now. I mean with all the stresses he's gained since the battle, you shouldn't use that against him just to get into his pants, all because things are ending between you and Mione" scoffing Ron sits straight. "Oh please George save me your breath, he probably needs it more than I do. Besides with the banter we shared on the phone a few minutes ago, it's pretty clear our intentions are the same" shrugging George turns back to his work. "If you say so Ron, it's none of my business unless you make it my business" he says as he dips his quill in ink.

As the day swiftly rolls along, Draco finishes up his work just in time to get ready "You sure you're going to be fine by yourself? I'll be gone for a few hours" Draco says as he chats with Scorpius who is sitting on the edge of his bed as he gets ready. Nodding Scorpius shrugs "Yeah I'll be fine Dad, besides I am fourteen now, I'm not a kid anymore" nodding Draco walks over ruffling his hair "Don't remind me" he chuckles. Finishing off his casual outfit with a simple black peacoat, which pairs neatly with his black trousers and forest green button up shirt Draco steps back. "How do I look?" he asks Scorpius who tilts his head a bit "Looks pretty formal for a pub.." nodding Draco unbuttons a few buttons of his shirt before turning back to him. "How about now?" standing up Scorpius smiles "Perfect" he says with a small laugh as Draco pulls him into a tight hug. "Alright, be good, don't answer the door for anyone, it'll probably be the Prophet anyway, I'll be back in a few hours" he says as they walk and talk, heading downstairs to the entryway. Leaning on the railing just a few steps up on the staircase Scorpius nods with a slight eye roll "Yeah, yeah I know Dad" nodding Draco sighs. "I just want to make sure you're safe when I'm not around.." seeing the sadness in his eyes Scorpius frowns a bit. Walking up to him he hugs Draco one last time "I know Dad, I know.. " petting back is hair from his forehead Draco smiles once more. "Alright, I actually have to go now, be good and don't go to bed too late" he says before leaving out the door.

To Be Continued...

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