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Making his way down Diagon Alley, Ron finally spots Hermione impatiently waiting with her arms crossed tapping her foot with annoyance, her gaze darting up and down the alley. "There you are, I've only been waiting I have things to do unlike some of us" she remarks with  a glare. Rolling his eyes Ron snaps back "I'm a co-owner of a business Hermione, don't act like it isn't something" he remarks knowing Hermione has grown to see his job as something childish and unfulfilling since she became the head of the Ministry. "Well I have adult matters to attend to and I only have so much time to spare, let's find somewhere we can talk and get this whole thing behind us" she says before heading off in a direction. Tucking his hands into his pockets, Ron doesn't even bother responding as he follows quickly behind. Finding a lone table used for chess within the nearby park, they settle down in silence as they get out the needed paperwork for such an ordeal. 

"Though I have my schedule full, I have found some time to figure out a fair deal that I am sure you'll have no issues obliging to" Hermione says sliding over a perfectly typed out and spaced sheet with a list of things either of them will get when the divorce is finalized. Taking it from her and scanning over the list Ron widens his eyes "Full custody?! you can't be serious. You know how much Rose and Hugo mean to me Hermione, it was hard enough having dual custody now this?" he shouts. Rolling her eyes as she folds her hands in front of her she sighs "Ron, you and I both know both of the children would be better off with me. I have a stable job, plenty of income and an appropriate place for them to live.. it's for the best" tossing the paper down Ron scowls "The whole reason this divorce hasn't been settled is because of the kids Hermione. I will not tolerate you trying to take both my kids away from me when you barely even have time for Rose alone" he says trying to keep his temper at bay. Taking a deep breath he continues "I understand better than anyone how horrible it can feel when your parents seemingly have too much to do to pay attention to you. I will not let you unintentionally neglect our children due to your busy schedule, I will not have it" he says tapping his finger with vigor on the table top to further drill in his point.

Rubbing her temples Hermione lets out an audible sigh "Don't be so childish Ron, you have always let your emotions get the best of you. You can't let them control everything you do in your life" scoffing Ron crosses his arms over his chest. "Since when did you become so heartless? At least I wear my heart on my sleeve and show that I at least care about people, including you" startled, Hermione's scowl fades into a puzzled expression. "You.. still care about me?" she asks as if it wasn't obvious already. Rolling his eyes Ron nods as he sits forward "Of course I do Hermione... like I always have, ever since we were kids. But now things have changed and.. I have to accept that we've changed too" he mutters in a saddened tone, rubbing his hands together as he looks off to the side. Taking a hard swallow, Hermione's gaze falls to the table top, feeling the walls she built up since she became the head of the Ministry fall slightly as a heavy silence simmers between them.

Hesitantly reaching over, Hermione takes Ron's hand, feeling him hold it gently as she meets his gaze. Noticing he's still wearing his wedding band she ignores it "Let's forget about everything that has built up between us to cause this situation we're in so we can figure out what is best.. for both of us, officially this time" Hermione says softly seeing him nod, feeling Ron put his second hand on top of theirs gently. After a bit of leeway, Ron and Hermione have come to final conclusions on less important things like possessions and shared property. With a bit of struggle and a few remarks here and there out of frustration, they finally come to a conclusion for their children. "So it's settled, dual custody, like we have been doing since this all started" nodding Hermione puts her papers away before standing up. "It seems as though this is the only option we are both happy with" Hermione says offering her hand to shake as if this were an everyday meeting like the ones she attends to daily. Looking at her with a smirk of disdain Ron stands up as well "A handshake? Really?" nodding Hermione continues to offer her hand. "If you were expecting a hug, you are mad" she says with a small playful smile. Rolling his eyes with a smirk of his own Ron shakes her hand with a single pump before letting go. 

After a rocky start and a delightful end to their meeting, Ron makes his way back into town and to the Joke Shop. Walking inside he shuts the door behind him, smiling seeing the place buzzing with customers. Passing by a few rambunctious children and a few mischievous teenagers, Ron makes his way upstairs hearing Hugo and George nearby. "Hey guys I'm back" he says as he steps into their shared office, seeing Hugo devouring a bag of chocolate frogs. Hanging up his coat Ron sighs putting his hands on his hips "I thought I said no" he says in a somewhat playful yet serious tone towards George who shrugs with a cheeky grin. "What can I say, I'm a fun uncle" he says with a laugh as Ron takes a seat behind his desk. Rolling over in the chair he was already sitting in, George leans onto the front of the desk. "So, how did it go?" he asks "I'm surprised you came back with your head if I'm being honest" he cracks a joke with a snicker.

Nodding Ron chuckles lightly "Yeah, me too but honestly It went well. We finally came to the conclusion that dual custody of the children is the best option. She tried to convince me into giving her full custody you know that?" looking at him with wide eyes George nods no. "Wow really? I wasn't expecting that, though, then again, it's Hermione" nodding Ron laughs. "You can say that again" he says as George rolls back to his side of the small room, starting to work on stock paperwork. Getting out his own work, Ron suddenly feels his phone buzzing in his back pocket, getting up he gestures to George "I'll just be a minute" he mutters before stepping out into the hallway. Shutting the door behind him, Ron opens his phone "Hello?" he asks, a small smile growing onto his face as he hears a familiar voice "It's Draco, are you free anytime soon?"

To Be Continued...

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