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Sitting at the main table within the Burrow, Ron adjusts his glasses as he files through some paperwork of his own. "Merlin.. with Hermione being the head of Ministry she's really got all the power here.. she'll take everything" Ron says aloud as Molly sets a cup of tea beside him. Sitting down as she dusts herself off, Molly nods no "I'm sure she'll be reasonable, after all you did marry a sensible woman, she isn't careless" Molly says as she takes a sip from her own tea. Nodding Ron brushes some of his hair back from his forehead "I guess so.. but this is looking rather heavy on one side.." he says looking at the divorce settlement, knowing they have to come to an agreement soon on who gets what. "I mean, I really don't care all that much about how much money she takes, she makes most of it anyway or even belongings. It's the fact she wants to take full custody of my only daughter.." Ron admits with a deep sigh, worry evident in his gaze. "I love Hugo and Rose with all my heart and she knows that. She knows she could take every dime I have and even the clothes off of my back and leave them to me and I'd be content. Maybe that's why she's pushing so hard for shared custody of both of them.. to punish me in some way or another.." Ron says with a deep sigh rubbing his temples.

Molly reaches out, placing a comforting hand on Ron's shoulder. "Honey, I know this is difficult, but Hermione is not one to act out of spite. She's a fair woman, and she wants what's best for the children just as much as you do" Molly reassures him, her voice gentle but firm. "Perhaps it's time to sit down with her and have a calm, honest conversation about what's truly best for Hugo and Rose. Remember, they need both of you in their lives" Ron nods slowly, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "You're right, Mum. I'll talk to her. For the sake of the children" he concedes, a flicker of determination igniting in his eyes.

At the Manor, after catching up on some paperwork for Astoria's funeral Draco decides to check in on Scorpius. "Hey kiddo, you doing okay?" he asks as he knocks on the door to his room, stepping inside with a small smile seeing Scorpius doing work on his bed. "Oh this is nothing, transfiguration seems pretty easy" he says as he continues to keep his eyes down on his work in his lap. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Draco smile softly as he hesitantly reaches over, stopping Scorpius from writing anymore. "Can we talk for a sec?" he asks in a gentle tone, seeing the worry immediately flood his sons gaze. "A-Am I in trouble? I swear I wasn't the one who put soil down Professor Longbottom's trousers, it was Albus" Scorpius says with worry. Laughing Draco nods no patting his shoulder "No, you're not in trouble... I want to talk about.." hearing him trail off, Scorpius sighs "Mum.." he mutters softly. Nodding Draco takes his hand away hesitantly "It's only been about a month since her passing and I want to know what you've been feeling lately.." Draco says honestly, seeing the hidden sadness of loss within his sons gaze.

Taking a hard swallow, Scorpius fidgets with his quill before letting out a sigh "Honestly Dad? It feels like something is missing.. it's been so quiet lately..." he mutters hesitantly, hoping to not hurt his Father with his words. Feeling a sharp pain in his chest, Draco ignores it with a soft nod "It does feel empty doesn't it?.." he mutters looking off to the side choosing his words carefully. Scooting closer, Draco wraps an arm around his son's shoulders with a deep sigh "I want you to know something, Scorpius, I love you so very much, okay?" seeing him nod Draco smiles before continuing. "I care about you and I think your Mum would have wanted us to be close despite her absence.. so don't hesitate to come to me if you need to get something off of your chest. Something like this can put a lot of emotions onto someone as young as you" he says, playfully ruffling Scorpius's hair trying to lighten the mood a bit. "And I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that burden alone" Draco says, giving Scorpius a tight hug before letting go.

Smiling Scorpius nods "Alright Dad, I will and.. I love you too" he says giving Draco another hug, holding it for a few minutes. Enjoying this tender moment between him and his son, Draco runs his hands up and down Scorpius's back, letting out a soft sigh. As they simmer, Draco finds comfort in the fact that he can be here for his son. Knowing no one was there for him when things were tough, he is grateful he can be the support his son deserves.

To Be Continued...

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