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"look, I understand you're busy but you can't expect everything to fall into place with your schedule. This is about the kids, it has nothing to do with me" Ron lets out with an annoyed groan, trying to keep his temper down as he paces in the back garden. Checking his watch, Ron lets out a deep sigh "Look, it won't be long we just need to come to an agreement so this whole ordeal can be over with" he mutters looking off to the side. Listening to Hermione talk on the other end, Ron makes a few annoyed and mocking expressions as if he were a child before responding. "Fine, that'll be fine, noon. Don't be late this time, we need to get this done with" Ron manages to spit out before Hermione hangs up rudely. Looking at his phone, Ron scoffs "What is with people doing that to me?" he grumbles snapping it shut before heading back inside.

Hearing Ron come back inside through the back door, Molly wipes off her hands on a dish towel as she approaches. "So, how did it go?" she asks simply seeing Ron running a hand over his face. "We're going to meet up today at noon, hopefully we can settle this whole ordeal so I can focus on other things" Ron says with a soft smile looking over at Hugo having a good old time with his uncle George. Noticing his Dad back in the room, Hugo scatters to his feet running over "Dad! Can we go to the joke shop today, please?" he pleads with puppy eyes. Sighing Ron pats his shoulder "Not today bud, I've got things to do" standing up, George approaches with a small smile. "Oh common now, you still have an hour and a half. Besides, we have an over-stock on chocolate frogs, Huey here could get a free bag if he's good" George says ruffling Hugo's hair lovingly. Looking at him with a slightly irritated expression, Ron looks down at Hugo with a sigh "Fine, but you aren't getting a whole bags worth, you'll be bouncing up and down the walls till the morning" Ron says with a light chuckle grabbing his coat.

Deciding to walk, the trio take a man-made dirt trail, the same trail the Weasley's and plenty of others who lived nearby have taken for years. "So, how's everything going with.. you know" George asks as Hugo walks ahead of them, finding anything and everything interesting. Shrugging as he puts his hands in his pockets, Ron sighs "It's.. a lot to say the least. I never thought we would fall apart like this, you know?" nodding George looks ahead, smiling softly as Hugo trails a stick behind him enjoying himself. "Yeah, I never would have guessed you and Hermione would have such a fallout. Kind of a shame, you two seemed solid" nodding Ron lets out a sigh. "I guess it was bound to happen.. eventually. Especially after everything, people grow and that means growing out of each other. I mean hell, even me and Harry don't speak much anymore.." Ron admits making George frown.

"Then, who have you been calling for the past week and a half on the home line? Mum's been wondering too" feeling his gut knot Ron keeps his eyes forward. "No one, just.. an old friend.." he mutters looking down at his feet as memories start to creep back in. "It was someone I met from Durmstrang during the whole Triwizard Tournament stuff" he says hoping to convince George and move on. Looking over at Ron, George goes to say something but Hugo calls out to him "Uncle George, look what I found!!" he eagerly says running up to him as they continue to walk, showing a very interesting rock. "That is a really cool rock Hugo, but you know what's even better? A birds eye view" George says with a cheeky tone before picking up Hugo and hoisting him up to sit on his shoulders. Smiling Ron watches as George runs ahead, hearing their laughter and enjoyment making him smile more.

As they arrive in town, walking through the busy Diagon Alley, Ron notices a familiar face within the crowd. Letting out a soft gasp under his breath, unable to hide a wide grin Ron turns towards George still holding Hugo on his shoulders. "George take Hugo to the Joke Shop, I-I've got to get some other things real quick" he says in a rush before disappearing through a crowd of people. Watching his brother rush off, George shrugs keeping a hold of Hugo's legs "Common Huey, let's get you those chocolate frogs I promised you" he says with a grin. Pushing past a few people, apologizing in the process for his clumsiness, Ron pushes back his unruly hair before approaching "Draco!"

To Be Continued...

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