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Minding his own business, Draco ignores most of the people who pass by him as he runs a few errands. Hearing plenty of murmured chatting and weird looks, Draco had become an unwanted star in the limelight. Thanks to everything that had happened and his family's history there was no doubt people still talked behind his back. Hearing his name being called, Draco groans "I've already told you, he's dead!! Let the man rest and leave his name out of your stupid headlines!!" he shouts at Ron who stops in his tracks, startled by the sudden tone. "Oh.. it's you, what do you want" Draco grumbles looking Ron up and down with a quick glance before resuming what he was doing. Clearing his throat, Ron steps off to the side of the cobblestone street, watching what Draco's doing. "You know, those are pretty good around this time" he says pointing to the nectarines on the fruit stand they are standing at. Giving him a side glance Draco gathers a few fruits putting them into the bag he has strung over his arm leaving without a word. Frowning, Ron catches up to him, walking alongside him down the busy street "It's been a while hasn't it? I mean I tried to call you not too long ago-" snapping Draco stops in his tracks. "Look, Weasley, I don't have time to chat. I have things to do and people to avoid and you are one of those people, now leave me alone" he says in a sour tone, trying to ignore the few stares coming from a few people passing by. 

Scoffing Ron continues to straggle alongside Draco as he resumes his stride "What did I do? I'm just trying to catch up with an old friend, what's the harm in that?" he asks Draco, watching him stop once again. Letting out a sigh Draco turns to face Ron "Look, I have a lot going on right now, in fact I've had a lot going on for the past year and a half. I don't need anymore to deal with, especially not an old fling I had when I was seventeen" he says honestly rubbing his temples, his irritation with the crowd around them growing as they stand within the busy street. Rolling his eyes Ron tucks his hands in his pockets "Look, I wasn't trying to reach out because of that.. I wanted to see how you are doing because I care about you. But it's clear you're going through it.. like you always had been" Ron mutters softly seeing Draco nods softly. Looking at his watch, Ron steps closer hesitantly putting a hand on his shoulder "How about we get a bit of coffee and catch up, hm?" he offers, with a small smile. 

Weighing his options, Draco nods with an eye roll "Fine, but only a quick chat, I have errands to run, Scorpius is home alone" nodding Ron smiles leading the way to a nearby cafe. "After you" he says, holding the door open for Draco before walking in after him. Ordering their coffee's, Draco and Ron find a booth by one of the windows, the noise both inside and outside the cafe filling the awkward silence between them. Glancing across the small table, Ron clears his throat "So.. how have you been?" Ron asks, knowing his question is redundant. Rubbing his hands together on the table top, Draco lets out a sigh "Honestly?" seeing Ron nod he takes a hard swallow. "Stressed, drained and everything in between, but I guess that's always been my norm so it doesn't affect me" Draco says as he takes his mug from the waitress who brings over their drinks. "My Father died last year but people can't seem to leave me alone about my family's past. Everywhere I go I get started at, bombarded by the press and plenty of other things.. I don't understand why I can't just live my life.." he mutters looking out the window. 

Nodding Ron looks down into his mug "I-I'm sorry to hear about that Draco.. that's a lot to deal with, especially after the death of a loved one" nodding Draco takes a sip. "Make that two.." he mutters making Ron look up with concern. Seeing his expression Draco sighs "Astoria died about a month ago, she was fighting a blood disease that couldn't be cured.. it was only inevitable.." Draco says with a sorrowed tone taking another drink. Not knowing how to respond Ron grows quiet, letting the heavy news weigh down on them. After sitting for a few minutes, Ron clears his throat "Hermione and I are getting a divorce.. in fact we're meeting up today to finalize everything" he mutters seeing Draco give him a side glance. "That doesn't surprise me" he says taking a drink from his mug seeing Ron glare "What's that supposed to mean?" Ron asks with slight offence in his tone.

Looking at him Draco chuckles softly "Oh common, have you seen who you married? There was no doubt Granger wouldn't settle down, let alone settle down for long with someone like you" he retorts. Ignoring the urge to retort back, Ron adjusts his watch seeing the time "Well, looks like I have to meet the misses.." he says trying to make his whole ordeal a bit better as he stands up. Nodding Draco pulls out a few gellions putting them on the table "I have to finish my errands and get back home, Merlin knows the press has been waiting outside for me all day" nodding Ron adjusts his coat. 

Patting himself down he finds a loose piece of paper "Here, in case you want to chat again.." Ron says writing down his personal number with a pen from his pocket as well, handing it to Draco with a small smile. Staring at the paper in his hand, Draco takes it putting it in his pocket quickly "Thanks I guess" he says with a sneer. Nodding Ron waves as he leaves in a hurry, disappearing out of view through a crowd passing by just outside. Staring out in the direction Ron went, Draco takes out the small piece of paper, looking down at the written number, smiling as he sees a small smiley face drawn at the end "Cheeky.."

To Be Continued...

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