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Arriving at the joke shop, Ron is greeted by the bustling energy of the early morning rush. As he slips behind the counter to help a few eager customers, he tries to ignore his thoughts about what happened this morning. But as he juggles orders and jokes, Draco's hurt and anguish echo in his mind, a sharp pang of guilt cutting through him. Despite the distractions around him, Ron can't shake off the weight of what transpired, knowing he left Draco brokenhearted in the wake of their night together. Hearing someone call out his name he looks up at the second floor balcony seeing George gesturing for him to come upstairs. Sighing he leaves the counter, making his way through the typical Saturday morning crowd, he manages to make it upstairs. Entering their office he shuts the door, the sounds from downstairs now muffled. "So, how did it go" George asks, wanting to be nosy as he leans back against his desk, his arms crossed in front of him. Sighing Ron runs a hand over his face "Is that all you wanted from me? I don't know if you have seen it, but it's like a zoo downstairs" nodding, George chuckles. "Oh I know, I opened this morning and they flooded in, unlike you who shuffled in late. So I know something must have happened, now fess up" he urges with a cheeky smirk. 

Rolling his eyes Ron sighs looking off to the side "I don't want to talk about it George, besides the point it's none of your business" he mutters as he shuffles some papers on his desk. Standing up George walks over "You made it my business, remember?" he remarks in a teasing tone seeing Ron give him an annoyed glare. Setting whatever he had in his hands down, Ron looks at him "We had a small tiff alright? Simple as that.." he grumbles before heading to the door. Watching him George nods "I figured and I'd assume based on your irritability, it's been bothering you that you hurt him, isn't it" stopping as he had the handle turned Ron looks back at him. "Excuse me?" he retorts with a furrowed brow, feeling his emotions in a whirlwind due to the fight and George pushing his button. "You told him your intentions, it hurt him and now you regret it. You're my brother Ron, I can see when something is not right with you" he says walking over to him. Sighing Ron takes a moment to think before brushing him off "I don't have time for this George, we have a business to run" he murmurs before leaving the office, scurrying down the stairs in a hurry. Sighing George shakes his head before following him downstairs deciding to drop it for now. 

After the morning rush, the brothers find their rhythm as they usually do, finding time to have a bit of fun in between being business men. "Do you think anyone will buy these? I mean, they seem pretty basic no?" asks George gesturing to the whoopee cushions as he stocks them on a shelf. Looking over at him Ron snickers hearing him laugh loudly "What? What's wrong?" he asks innocently with a cheeky grin wearing a pair of Groucho glasses. Hearing the bell above the door ring, Ron chuckles "We'll be with you in a moment.." he trails off, his smile falling as he sees who it is. Getting up, Ron walks over "Hermione... you're never around here anymore unless it's important, are the kids alright?" he asks with worry. Nodding Hermione sighs "Yes, everything is fine but I can't have a serious conversation with you wearing those" she says making Ron go red from embarrassment. Fumbling to get off the glasses Ron tosses them aside "Right, sorry, my bad" he says rubbing the back of his neck. "So, what is it?" he asks feeling nervous as Hermione lets out a sigh "I don't want a divorce.."

To Be Continued...

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