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Feeling nervous, Draco makes his way through Diagon Alley and down to the Leaky Cauldron. Knowing since he's become old enough to drink, he hasn't bothered to pop into the many pubs around the village due to the constant annoyance of the public. Reaching out to pull open the door, he hesitates for a moment "It's just a simple hangout, nothing more" he reminds himself, taking a breath in and out before heading inside. Stepping inside, a few people in the pub immediately stare in his direction, feeling as though a spot light has been put on him Draco tenses up until he hears a familiar voice. Letting out a short whistle to get his attention, Ron waves with a smile as he sits in a booth near the back "Oi, Draco, over here!" he shouts. Making his way over Draco sheds his coat setting it beside him as he scoots in beside Ron "Hey, I honestly thought I would be here first" he says unable to suppress a smile. Nodding Ron catches the attention of the bar tender, gesturing for a pint and two mugs "Well I guess I was eager" he teases giving Draco a playful nudge with his elbow. 

Receiving the pint and mugs, Ron pours them a heavy helping each "So, what else has been going on with you lately? Apart from what you already told me" he says taking a drink without breaking eye contact. Holding his mug in his hands on the table top Draco sighs "Well.. with my Father passing last year and my Wife passing only a month ago.. it's been nothing but work to finish up such matters. Of course I have my son to look after but apart from that, my life has been pretty secluded.." he says taking a small drink. Hearing his words Ron frowns, reaching over he pats hiss arm "You're not the only one who's been having a rough time Draco.. my life hasn't been all kittens and rainbows either" he says relaxing in his seat with a sigh. "I mean, I'm living at home again with my Mum. She doesn't mind but it can dwindled your dignity when you are nearly forty years old and your Mum is still telling you goodnight before she heads off to bed" he grumbles taking another gulp of his drink.

Trying to suppress a small snicker Draco takes a heftier gulp from his mug "Yeah well, at least you still have her with you.. my Mother fled as soon as the divorce was final. And she didn't just leave to a new town, no, she up and left to the Muggle world... to start some stupid boutique or something" he grumbles with a slight sneer looking off to the side. Sitting up Ron looks over at him "Really? Well isn't that just biter.. I'm sorry to hear that mate" he says sincerely as they meet each other's gaze. Looking into his eyes, Draco smiles softly as old feelings begin to creep in, shaking it off, he looks away blushing faintly. Noticing, Ron scoots closer putting an arm over the back of the booth acting nonchalant about it. "So, reckon we'll stay here all night or find ourselves roaming the streets out of boredom?" looking over at him, feeling the heat in his chest rise Draco takes another nervous gulp from his drink, finishing it off. "Well... if we stay here long enough, we might see a fight. But other than that, I'm just along for the ride tonight" he teases with a sly smirk, the flirtatious aura growing between them.

After chatting and catching up and getting plenty of alcohol in their system, Ron and Draco decide to ditch the pub and stroll the bare streets of Hogsmade. Feeling tipsy, they stroll with staggered steps, running into one another "Hold onto me so we don't keep falling.." Ron chuckles in a slight slur as he links their arms together hearing Draco snicker. "You know Ron.. this has been a pretty fun night, I needed this" he says looking over at him with a half-lidded gaze. Stumbling into him as they walk down the street stopping by a lamppost, Ron nods "I'm glad you called.. it's been great to see your face again.. especially like this.." he says as he steadies himself putting a gentle hand on the side of his face. Giggling as they stare at one another, Ron goes to lea in for a sloppy kiss but he soon darts away vomiting into a nearby bush. "Can't hold your alcohol aye Weasley?" Draco teases unable to stop laughing as he balances against the light pole. Standing up and wiping his mouth Ron grins, walking up to him "No, but I can hold something else... if you'll allow me.." he says putting his hands on Draco's waist as he rests back against the pole. 

Smiling as they share a gaze, Draco stands straight putting an arm over Ron's shoulders "You're definitely allowed Mr Weasley.." he teases with another snicker as they stumble down the road. With an arm around his waist, Draco can't help but gaze over at his face, finding comfort in being close to him again like old times. After their not so steady walk around the empty streets, they decide to head to the Manor. "When we go in, you've got to be quiet.. Scorpius might be asleep" Draco whispers with a slight slur as he unlocks the side gate holding it open for Ron before walking in behind him. Ensuring it's locked before they head up the long driveway, Draco blushes faintly as Ron pulls him in by his waist, tumbling over their feet in the process. "Oh don't worry... I grew up with seven siblings, I can be as quiet as a mouse" he Snickers in a louder whisper as they step up to the front door. Watching Draco rummage for the key, Ron leans against a pillar nearby, his eyes going up and down his body, a sly smirk growing across his lips.

"Here it is, damn this ring of keys.. too many locks to keep track of I swear" he murmurs to himself as he unlocks the door, brushing some of his hair out of his face. Pushing the door open Draco puts a finger to his lips, nodding to the parlor off to his left. Nodding Ron follows behind him noticing his son sound asleep with plenty of junk food and indulgences strewn about the room, which makes him snicker a bit. Heading up the stairs Ron nudges him with his elbow "I see your son is just like you... a little cheeky in nature" nodding Draco smiles a bit as they head towards the main chamber of the house which was once his Father's. "He shouldn't hear us up here.." Draco says as he shuts the doors behind Ron, locking them just in case.

Turning to face the room, suddenly Draco gets kissed, being held by the waist. Startled at first, he then relaxes, closing his eyes as he wraps his arms around Ron's neck. After a few minutes of kissing, Draco finally manages to pull away looking into his eyes "I've missed this.."

To Be Continued...

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