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The next morning, waking up early like usual, Draco goes to sit up but immediately sits back down holding his head with a groan. "And there it is.." he grumbles feeling the bed move beside him. Smiling he looks over seeing Ron sound asleep. Snoring softly with an arm over his head and the other relaxed at his side. Admiring him for a moment, Draco's smile only grows wider seeing his eyes open slowly "Morning.." he says but Ron immediately shushes him as he rubs his eyes. "Too loud... way too loud.." he says in a faint whisper feeling the same headache Draco woke up with. Chuckling Draco nods, sitting up again he feels his head throb immediately once again, managing to get out of bed and to where his wand is kept. Seeing Ron sitting up his hair as messy as ever, he chuckles softly as he walks back, sitting on the edge of the bed. "We could fix this with a simple spell, or do you want to deal with it the Muggle way" he teases knowing Ron's liking for Muggle practices. Nodding no Ron manages to open one eye after keeping them closed, feeling as though it helped somehow. "Please, do you even have to ask?" he chuckles lightly, shushing himself shortly after.

After casting a simple relief spell, both of their headaches dissipate to a more bearable pain. "Feeling better?" seeing Ron nod he chuckles "Much better, thank you" Ron says softly as he gets out of bed. Watching him immediately head to his clothing thrown into a pile by the dresser, Draco's smile fades. "Where are you going? I mean, wouldn't you want to stay for some coffee? breakfast even?" he asks as he stands. Shrugging Ron pulls up his boxers and trousers "Why would I? Doesn't seem needed" he says without care as he buckles his belt. Frowning a bit Draco approaches his side "I mean... we did just make love last night... after being apart for a while. I don't know about you but I felt like we reconnected" watching him continue to get dressed, Draco feels a pit in his stomach. Buttoning up the last few buttons of his shirt Ron looks at him "Draco look, I-I don't want to be a dick but... you can't be serious. I mean we just met up for the night, got drunk and came back here for a good time. I thought we were on the same page about that" he says plainly as he looks for his watch knowing it was thrown off somewhere during the heat of the moment last night.

Feeling hurt, Draco becomes defensive as he scoffs "You've got to be kidding me. You're saying you didn't feel a damned thing last night? Not an ounce? Not even with my cock down your throat? Bloody hell Ron... you've got to be kidding me." he snaps watching Ron pull on his watch as he stands beside the bed. Sighing Ron walks up to him, putting his hands on his shoulders "Draco, I know how you can be... but I never intended for us to rekindle anything we had in the past last night..." he says letting him go as he picks up his coat. "To be honest I just needed to forget all about my divorce for a few hours... and you did wonders, thanks" he says as he pulls it on with a soft smile, as if his words weren't a dagger to the heart. Staring at him with a hardened gaze as tears well up in his eyes Draco lets out a scoff as he turns away trying to compose himself. "Thanks? That's it? Well, it may have been just a one-night-stand to you but to me... it was more.." he grumbles not wanting to look at him, feeling extremely stupid for having even the slightest bit of hope.

Seeing his demeanor, Ron sighs walking up to him "Draco.." he says reaching out but his hand gets batted away. "You are a sick person Ron. You know I am still grieving over my dead wife and Father. You know how much I've been struggling and yet you have the audacity to give me false hope that you somehow still had feelings for me even after twenty years!!?" he shouts in anger feeling a few tears trickling down his face. Seeing his reaction, Ron stares for a moment before rolling his eye "Oh dear Merlin, here we go again" he murmurs making Draco even angrier. "What's that supposed to mean" he retorts watching as Ron steps away rubbing his temples. "You have always been like this. So emotional and dramatic for no reason. You should have known Draco, I made my intentions very clear-" interrupting him Draco shouts.

"No, you didn't! You trailed me along and you know you did. Don't try and make yourself feel better by making it all my fault." he says with clenched fists. Stepping closer Draco sneers "If I knew your intentions, I wouldn't have called" he says before walking across the room trying to calm down as he runs his hands over his head. Gripping his fists at his sides Ron snaps back "Oh don't act like you didn't want this to. You know you needed it, you know you liked it, don't act like you weren't satisfied" looking at him Draco says softly. "I liked it because I thought we were us again..." he says with a quivered tone. Feeling his face soften Ron steps closer, but as he sees the time he stops "I-I can't deal with this right now I've got to go" watching him walk to the door Draco shouts. "Fine then, leave! I was doing perfectly fine without you anyway!" hearing the door slam his angry emotions fade away into a deeply hurt and saddened one. Feeling his tension settle he sits down on the end of the bed, hanging his head in his hands letting himself break down as his sobs echo throughout the large room.

Shortly after, coming down the steps wearing a blue and black robe, Scorpius hears the front door slam knowing someone must have been staying the night. "Who was that?" he asks as he steps into the kitchen, sitting at the counter seeing as Draco cooks them breakfast. Sniffling a bit from his stuffy nose, feeling his eyes sore from crying Draco keeps his head down at the pan he's cooking in. " "No one, you don't need to know" he says glancing over his shoulder, Scorpius immediately noticing his puffy eyes. "Well, he seems pretty important to make you cry.." he says softly with a bit of worry for his Father knowing he hasn't seen him like this before. Plating the food and setting it down in front of him Draco sighs bracing himself on the counter. Thinking for a moment he looks up at Scorpius, deciding to be honest"Well... I suppose you're right..." he says taking a hard swallow. "He was someone important... important to me. But I don't seem as important to him anymore.." he admits honestly, knowing he doesn't want to repeat the emotionless and distant nature of his own Father. Making it normal to be open and honest with Scorpius knowing he's old enough to understand things to a certain point.

Seeing him look up at him with worry, Draco sighs ruffling his hair "I'm alright son, I promise just... built up emotions, that's all" he says as he comes around to give him a kiss on the head before joining beside him to start eating. As they eat in silence for a few moments, Scorpius decides to speak up "How important was he to you?.." he asks unknowingly how much weight that question carries. Feeling a pit return to his stomach, Draco thinks for a moment before responding "Well.. let's just say he made me the happiest I could have ever been" seeing him look over Draco continues to eat. "Like.. in your whole life?" Scorpius asks innocently with a mouth full of pancakes and syrup. Laughing a rueful laugh Draco nods "Yeah, probably.."

To Be Continued...

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