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"If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others. You deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself."

-Nikita Gill.

SONG OF THE CHAPTER|| Good Without by Mimi Webb.

SONG OF THE CHAPTER|| Good Without by Mimi Webb

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"SO...Tell me about you and Finnick!" Millia squealed.

"There's nothing to tell. We're ju-" Ataraxia started.

"Just friends. I know, I know. You've only told me like a thousand times. But you cannot deny the way you too look at each other. Friends don't look like friends that way." Millia cut her off.

"Attention. Live broadcast from the capitol. Mandatory. Click here to watch" A robotic voice stated, coming from the tv.

"What the fuck?" Millia asked as Ataraxia clicked the button revealing none other than Snow himself standing at a podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" He started.

"This is the seventy fifth year of the hunger games, written in the charter of the games that every 25 years there would be a quarter quell to keep fresh for each new generation, the memory of those who died in the uprising against the capitol."

"This can't be good." Millia said.

"At least we just have to mentor." Ataraxia responded as Snow continued with his speech.

"Each quarter quell is distinguished by games of a special significance. And now, on this the seventy fifth anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion. We celebrate the third Quarter quell as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the capitol."

"Jesus, how many times does he have to tell us it's the quarter quell? Like, seriously? We get it already. " Ataraxia spoke in an annoyed tone.

"On this, the third quarter quell games-" Ataraxia rolled her eyes.

"The male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district" Millia stood up immediately.

"What the fuck?" She yelled. "This is bullshit!!"

Ataraxia stayed quiet, thinking about what this meant. "Finnick..." She muttered. "He's the only male victor." her mind went fuzzy.

"He's going back..." Millia mumbled.

"I have to go find him" Ataraxia stated before stepping out of the house. Once she made it outside, she ran as fast as she could to Finnick's house, tears blurring her vision. Instantaneously she collided with something. Someone.

Finnick wrapped his arms around her, and they collapsed in a heap in the middle of the road. "I'm so so sorry" She whispered in his hear.

"I know"

WILD THINGS- FINNICK ODAIR (sequel to Burned)Where stories live. Discover now