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"There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen; she had a marvelous time ruining everything."

ATARAXIA TRIED HER BEST to sneak out of the apartment without being caught

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ATARAXIA TRIED HER BEST to sneak out of the apartment without being caught. President Snow had set up more clients for her. awesome. Ataraxia was walking through the kitchen to get to the front door, she thought she was being quiet as a church mouse, but right before she made it to the door, her body collided with something. someone.

"Shit." She muttered, as the two body's fell to the floor.

"Attie? What are you doing up?" Finnick asked.

"uh- nothing really. I just.. needed something to drink." Ataraxia stated and walked back to the kitchen to get some water. "What are you doing up?" She, of course, knew exactly what he was doing up. In fact, she was up for that reason as well, but he couldn't know that she knew.

"Oh, I.. wanted to get some extra training in down at the tribute center." Finnick stated. Lie.

"Cool, Cool.."

"Well, I'd better get going" Finnick said, and turned the door nob.

"I'll see you in the morning." Finnick added as he stepped out.

Ataraxia breathed out a sigh of relief as she set the glass of water down and made her way to her "clients" room.

"Roxi, why where you really up last night?" Finnick asked.

Ataraxia's mouth hung open in shock. "I.. needed water, like I said."

"Okay, cut the bullshit. I saw you going into someones room." He pushed.

"I.." Ataraxia looked as if she were a fish, her mouth gaping.

"You what? Ataraxia. How is snow even getting you to do this? He can't kill your family." Finnick stated.

"The same way he's making you do it. He's threatening the people I love." Ataraxia responded.

"Like who?" He asked, tears brimming in the back of his eyes.

"Like you." She said. "Well, Cato too, but Snow already killed him so, really its just you. He said that if I denied he'd kill you. He also said that if I accepted more of the attention would be on me than it would you" Ataraxia added, deciding to be truthful on this matter.

"Rox.. I.. You didn't have to do that. I don't want you to suffer for me." Finnick said.

"But I couldn't just watch you suffer alone. I'm your best friend Finnick. And I sure as hell couldn't watch you die because I said no to something so stupid. You are the only thing I have left. My family's dead, Cato's gone, I can't lose you too." Ataraxia's voice broke as she said the last five words.

WILD THINGS- FINNICK ODAIR (sequel to Burned)Where stories live. Discover now