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"She was brave and strong and broken all at once."                                                                                             -Anna Funder.

"                                                                                             -Anna Funder

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"WE WERE ALL THE WAY DEEP IN THE JUNGLE, where we thought it would be safe." Johanna spoke as Wiress, Betee, Caroline and Ataraxia washed as much of the blood off of themselves as they could.

"Thats when the rain started" Ataraxia added.

"I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood. Hot, thick, blood." Johanna said.

"Tick tock." Wiress spoke walking along the shore.

"It was coming down. Choking us. We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind." Johanna added, looking out at the water.

"Thats when Blight hit the force field." Ataraxia stated, coming up behind Johanna.

"He wasn't much, but he was from home."

"Tick tock. Tick Tock." Wiress spoke.

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss asked.

"She's in shock" Caroline and Betee said at the same time.

"Tick Tock"

"Dehydration isn't helping." Betee added, emerging from the water.

"Do you have fresh water?" Caroline asked.

"We can get some." Katniss responded.

Ataraxia stared at Finnick who was trying to pry Johanna off of Wiress. It was good to see him. To know that he was okay. "Stop it!" Johanna yelled as Wiress continued with her babbling.

"Hey! Get off of her!" Katniss shouted while Johanna shoved Wiress to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Johanna screamed when Katniss yanked her away from her.

They looked as if they were about to engage in a fistfight, and they probably were.

"Hey! I got them out, for you!" Johanna yelled as Finnick held her back.

"I'm fine" Johanna yanked her arm from Finnick's grasp and he raised his hands in surrender. The two were knee deep in water.

Wiress stood from where she had been shoved down, A wide smile on her face. Katniss began to help her clean the blood off of herself.

"Am I the only one here who fucking hates her?" Ataraxia mumbled to Caroline who simply laughed.

"No. definitely not." She responded.

"You know she shot an arrow at me during the bloodbath." Ataraxia scoffed.

Caroline laughed again.

WILD THINGS- FINNICK ODAIR (sequel to Burned)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora