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"Two birds of a feather, say that they're always gonna stay together, but ones never going to let go of that wire. Two birds on a wire, one tries to fly away and the other watches him close from that wire, he says he wants to as well, but he is just a liar."                                                                                -Regina Spektor 

"Everyone who says hello will one day say goodbye, sometimes without a warning or giving a reason why"                                                                                                                                                                            -v.k

SONG OF THE CHAPTER|| two birds by regina spektor. 

"Where do the careers feel safest? The jungle?" Betee asked as the group crowded around him

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"Where do the careers feel safest? The jungle?" Betee asked as the group crowded around him.

"Jungles a nightmare." Caroline responded.

"Probably here on the beach." Peeta spoke.

"Then why are they not here?" Betee asked.

"Because we are" Johanna and Ataraxia said at the same time.

"We claimed it." Johanna added.

"And if we left, they would come?" Betee questioned.

"Or stay hidden in the tree line." Finnick spoke.

"Which in just over three hours will be soaked from the ten o'clock wave. What happens at midnight?"

"Lightning strikes that tree." Katniss said.

"Here's what I propose." Betee states. "We leave the beach at dusk. Head to the lightning tree, that should draw them back to the beach. Right before midnight, we then run this wire from the tree to this water." Betee pointed from the tree to the beach in front of them. "Anyone in the water, or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

"How do we know the wires not going to burn up?" Johanna asked.

"Because he invented it" Caroline spoke.

"I assure you; it won't burn up." Betee commented.

Johanna, Finnick, Caroline, and Ataraxia all have some sort of silent conversation. In the end they all end up agreeing that this plan is probably the only option.

"Well, it's better than hunting them down." Ataraxia said.

"Yeah, why not" Katniss agreed. "If it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"

"I say we try it" Peeta adds.

"So, what can we do to help?" Finnick asks.

"Keep me alive for the next six hours." Betee states. "That would be extremely helpful."

WILD THINGS- FINNICK ODAIR (sequel to Burned)Where stories live. Discover now