chapter 1: hot as fuck

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Fury fueled each forceful motion as I aggressively stuffed clothes into my suitcase.

My mother, standing at the doorway, bore witness to the storm brewing within her daughter. As zippers strained and the suitcase groaned under the pressure.

"You will thank me for this later mon amour." My mother uttered as I slammed the front of the suitcase shut.

"I just don't get it! Why do I have to leave all of my friends just for your stupid work study."

"It is very important! The information I have been needing comes from the man in London. Plus, you will make lots of new friends at Hogwarts."

"yeah, avec une merde de salauds." I mumbled. but unfortunately was heard by my mom.

"that's enough! behave and watch your language or that phone gets taken away missy." She threatened, pointing her finger at me. "Be in the car in 5 minutes." With that she slammed the door.

I sighed,tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and glanced at my room for the last time. Or at least for a while.

I carefully picked up the picture of my dad on my nightstand. He held his navy green helmet in his hand. A proud smile on his face, and his military number plastered on his chest.


"I miss you daddy. You would've let me stay." I let the tear fall down my cheek onto the fragile glass. I quickly tucked the picture into my tote and walked out the door.


"this is it! platform 9 3/4!" My mother exclaimed, while I looked extremely puzzled. We were standing in between platform 9 and 10 at the train station.

Clutching my Tote bag with all my books I would need for the year.

"mom, what the hell are you talking about." she frowned at me.

"well if you would just let me explain I would tell you that in order to get onto it, you have to run through the wall between platforms 9 and 10."

"yeah right." I said rolling my eyes. My mother, not looking amused, suddenly dashed into the wall, disappearing before my eyes. My body froze.

Did she really just?

I hesitated before plunging straight into the brick wall. Closing my eyes.

To my surprise I did not hit my head. Instead I heard a loud whistle and opened my eyes.

The train echoed the hall and the cheerful buzzing of hogwarts students filled the platform.

Mounted on the wall was a sign saying Hogwarts Express.

My mother smiled cheerfully at the sight.

"Now get on the train, and find yourself a compartment. I won't see you till christmas so, make some friends, and don't get yourself into trouble." I rolled my eyes but nodded. She wrapped her arms around my back and squeezed me tight.

"love you, mon amour."

"love you mom." She kissed my head and I walked up to the train.

I climbed on and looked around at the sight. Tons of students scattering to find a compartment.

I saw one curly haired girl with a robe embroidered with a lion upon it. Putting her luggage up onto the shelf in her compartment. I slowly worked up the courage to ask her if I could join her compartment.

It seemed she was accompanied by a red headed tall boy and short black haired boy with glasses. but, I suddenly was pulled back by my shoulder.

"No, No, No!!!" I turned around to a girl around my height.

She had short black hair and green eyes, but instead of a lion, her robe was plastered with a snake patch. "You are far too pretty to be hanging out with them." She smiled brightly. "I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. Your new here?"

"Yeah, uhm, I'm Maeve, Descoteaux."

"Woah your accents pretty! what is that Canadian?"

"french actually." I smiled

"Oh, that was my second guess." We both giggled.

"Come with me!" She grabbed my wrist and led me to another train car. This time it had several tables and booths instead of compartments. We walked past a group of guys who all stared down me and Pansy.

I couldn't help but notice how attractive all of them were. The way each one of their hair fell in a different place, and their eyes were all different shades. They were all looking at me seductively, which turned me on.

"Who's your little friend pansy?" A tall curly headed boy said.

"Fuck off Riddle." She dragged me a few tables down. Here sat a platinum blonde headed girl and a brunette, the blonde one looking more excited to see me.

"Hi! Pans, who's this?"

"This is Maeve, Maeve Des..." She looked to me for guidance.

"Descoteaux." I corrected.

"Descoteaux. Shes new and I brought her here cause she's hot as fuck and she was about to go into Harry Potters compartment." They all made disgusted faces.

Harry Potter! Why didn't I recognize him. The boy who lived.

"Well my names Daphne Greengrass! and this is Astoria, my sister." Astoria gave a slight wave.

I sat down next to Pansy and we all talked the entire train ride.

"Yeah so I'm from Pau, France and I originally went to Beauxbatons."

"Oh yeah! That fancy all girls school. Bet it was nice not having to deal with crackheads all the time." Daphne added, she gestured her head to the guys table across the way.

"They are technically our friends, but complete and total shitheads, don't let them get into your head."
I smiled and then looked at their matching snake patches again.

"What are those for?"

"Oh, they're our house! Each student gets assigned a house or group of kids with the same attributes. Like we're slytheirns, the best ones o b v, but there are other ones like, ravenclaw, the smart ass's, Hufflepuff, or the fat weird kids... and Gryffindors, aka slytherins worst enemy. That's home to Harry Potter and his gang, they're supposed to be brave or something but, if you ask me they are just a bunch of pussys."

Pansy rambled on. I giggled along with Daphne and Astoria as we kept talking about Hogwarts.

"Ooh Maeve, so slytherin throws a party on the first day to kick off the year! Wanna come?"

"Oh I don't have any outfits."

"That's alright! We'll all go to Hogsmeade and get some new dresses!" Daphne giggled.

"Don't you have enough Daph?" Astoria commented.

"Never!" She laughed. along with me.

We laughed and shared childhood stories before we finally arrived at hogwarts.

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