chapter 2: the ragrats

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"Slytherin!" The old and dusty sorting hat, exclaimed as Professor Mcgonnagall placed it upon my head.

Everyone at the slytherin table busted with excitement as I walked over to quickly join them.

Pansy patted on the seat next to her.

"I knew you would get in! Now let me introduce you to our slytherin ragrats." She smiled. The other boys all threw their hands up in confusion.

"We have Theodore Nott." She gestured her hand over to a boy with dirty blonde locks of hair. He looked as though he had sharp intellect, and calculated grace. He also looked italian. I spent some time there with my mother, and boy are italian boys good in bed.

"This is Draco Malfoy." She pointed to probably the most blonde boy I have ever seen in my life. His hair was sleek and elegant. He also looked very put together, rich, if I might add. He looked confident, or like he needed to prove himself to me somehow.

"Blaise Zabini." This boy was one of the tallest ones there. He looked like he was trying to read me too. His eyes slowly traveled me up and down. His hair was short, but extremely coily. And his lips were huge. Sending dirty thoughts into my mind.

"And Enzo, or Lorenzo Berkshire." He was the only boy, who was actually smiling at me. It didn't seem forced. More like, he was genuinely pleased to meet me. He had brown fluffy hair parted down the middle, and his brown eyes sent me straight to fucking heaven.

"And the Riddle Brothers, Tom and Mattheo." These two sent shivers up my spine. The first one, Mattheo, was the same boy who spoke to Pansy and me on the train ride. He had the same curly hair, and sharp jawline, he was biting his lip. He didn't try to read me, but more check me out, I could tell that. Maybe I was doing the same.

The second boy was the tallest of the group, slowly followed by Blaise. He looked terrifing. I don't get scared easily, but Tom, he looked at me with such resentment. Like I had killed his whole family or something. Not gonna lie, kinda turned me on.

"And you know Daphne and Astoria." They both smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Maeve Descoteaux." I said confidently.

Daphne butted in. "She's french! She used to go to that rich bitch place, bowbattuns or summin."

"Beauxbatons, Daphne." Astoria corrected.

"Whatever." We all laughed.

"So Theo, your italian?" I asked, crossing my arms on the table.

"Yes, how'd you guess, bella?" He said in the most attractive italian accent ever.

"I can read people well, plus I spent some time up in italy." That meaning, I've sucked a few italian dicks.

He smiled in a, nice to know, kinda way.

"Why'd you decide to move here Maeve?" Blaise asked.

"I didn't want to, but my mother had an important research thing here, plus she'd thought it would be good for me to thrive in a different environment or some shit like that." He laughed.

"So, you speak french?" Enzo butted in.

"Yeah."I smiled.

"Say something!"

I rolled my eyes but said.

"Je parie que vous avez tous de grosses bites" They awed in amazement.

"We do." I heard a deep voice say. I whipped my head around to Tom.

"Wh-What?" I was surprised. Did he know french? He knew what I said? I didn't know anyone would understand me.

"Wait, what'd you say?" Enzo asked.

"Just- Uhm."

"Nothing important." Tom said. Trying to change the subject.

I gulped loudly and looked down to try and hide my red face.

"So uhm, what was your last name again?" Mattheo asked.

"Descoteaux." I said, releaved we were changing the subject.

"Mm, that's too long, I'll call you princess instead." Everyone laughed.

"Smooth." I rolled my eyes at his stupid smirk.

"So, whats your blood status?"

"Draco!" Pansy said.

"What? Just wanted to know if she was a filthy mud blood or not."

I smiled at his regards for that.

"I'm a pure blood, but thanks for showing me where your intellect is at." Everyone ooed and draco sunk down into his seat.

"Everyone ready for the party tonight!" Astoria bring up. They all said yes and started to talk about what they were going to wear.

"Just don't drink to much alright? I already have to deal with your bitchy attitudes all the time, and alcohol adds to it."

"Wait, there'll be alcohol?" I said confused. Everyone's heads shot towards me.

"I'm messing with you. Why do you think my mom wanted me to make different friends." I laughed off.

Daphne quickly changed the subject back.

"Me, pansy, astoria and maeve are going to go to hogsmeade to get dresses!" What's the theme?"

"Green and Gold for our house." Enzo said.

"Hell yeah! I have the perfect heels!" Daphne said.

"Me too!" Blaise said in a high pitched voice. We all bursted out laughing and continued to plan for the party.

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