chapter 4: cigarettes.

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I let the air escape my lounges once more. Under the moonlit sky, my silhouette was illuminated by the ember of my cigarette. I watched how each of the stars, radiated a shimmering light across the sky.

I was on top of the astronomy tower, escaping from the public for a moment. Trying to calm myself down.

I watched the smoke leave my mouth and quickly disappear into the night.

Closing my eyes, I tried to clear my head with my breaths. In and out.

"You smoke?" I quickly whipped my head around and gazed for a moment at the body standing before me.

"Goddamnit Theo, scared the shit out of me."

"I do too sometimes, when I'm stressed." He walked up beside me. Leaning his arms on the railing. I looked him down as he tried to read me.

"yeah, it's a bad habit of mine. helps keep my mind off things." I bit my lip looking away.

"what do you need to keep your mind off bella?" I gulped. Staring off trying to think of what to say. His fingers touched mine sending a wave of electricity through me as he slid the cig out of my hand. I turned back to him and watched as he took a hit. Still looking at me for answers.

"i started to smoke once my dad died and... just listening to pansy and draco talk about their amazing parents were I just... I don't know."

For the entirety of the night, I had been sitting with Pansy and Draco in the common room. I had just excused myself. to go smoke off my stupid feelings.

"if you don't mind, how'd he die?" I bit my lip and looked off.

"war. he always promised he'd come back but...." A tear rolled down my cheek and I watched it fall far down the tall, tall tower.

He carefully placed his thumb on my cheek and swiped away my tear. He looked down and placed his hand over mine.

"I get it. I mean, my mom passed away a few years ago and I haven't been the same. every little thing seems to remind me of her." He looked up at me. "including you."

I narrowed my eyebrows. He smiled a beautiful toothy smile.

"The way your brown hair sits on your back, and your dimples when you smile." I bit my lip to try and refrain from smiling.

"You're beautiful. Just like her." He smiled and I saw a tear escape his eye. I didn't know whether to cry or smile. so I embraced him tight.

He wrapped his hands around my waist. and we just held each other. not saying a word.

It was like the problems in my life just escaped right then and there. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

After a minute or so. He pulled away. taking off his jacket.

"You're freezing." He chuckled. trying to shake off his sadness. I could tell.

He wrapped the jacket around my shoulders.

"thanks." I laughed.

He took another hit and passed it to me.

I held it to my mouth and let the nicotine fill my lungs.

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