chapter 3: the riddles

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I reached up on my tiptoes to grab another book from the shelf. I pulled it down to read the cover.

'Botanical Perils: Lethal Flora Unveiled'

I examined the dark green cover knowing this is precisely what I was looking for. I planted my heels back to the floor and looked up. I saw a tall dark figure standing a couple feet away.

"can I help you?" I asked sort of rudely.

He examined me intently. His curious gaze was obvious as it reflected a mix of admiration and uncertainty. He was a year older than me. so year 7. and he had a prefect badge plastered across his chest. probably due to his favoritism towards teachers.

He also always looked clean. it had been a few weeks since the first day and he never failed to look put together.

He rolled his tounge against his cheek. then looked away.

I snapped. "hey! I'm talking to you riddle!" He looked at me furiously.

"don't snap at me bitch." He spat. I smiled.

"he talks! who would've thought!" tom tightened his jaw and walked off silently.

"filthy half-blood." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me. He suddenly bursts around the corner again and shoved me up against a bookshelf.

"you really like to run your little mouth huh? well let me tell you something. no one talks to me that way. understood?" his face inches from mine sent an electricity i've never felt before.

"well obviously someone should." I shoved his arms and tried to walk off again.

that's when he laughed. he actually laughed.

"you don't want to mess with me doll." he said through gritted teeth. I whipped my head around.

"bite me." I spat at him, actually walking off this time.

I walked up to astoria, sitting at a secluded table. in the back of the library. I sat down in front of her.

"hey." she mumbled looking up from her book for just a second and then diving straight back in.

"hi." I laughed quietly and rolled my eyes. I slowly slid a chair open quietly to ensure I was unnoticed by my peers.

although despite my efforts the chair still made a faint squeak across the wooden floor.

I slid my current book out of my bag 'twisted hate' to read before I had to do my herbology homework.

I flipped open to the my bookmarked page andbegan to read a pretty risky scene in the book.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye a silhouette walking towards me. I decided to disregard it but it did seem to be getting closer.

My eyes darted across the page as the heated scene continued.

Suddenly the weight of the book left my hand.

"hey!" I stood up.

"what's this?" he held the book up to his face and examined the cover. then flipped to my page.

"stop! give that back!" I reached up but he held it
above his head.

"fiery huh? what could possibly be in this book you don't want me to read?" He smirked.

"nothing. just give it back. I don't have time for your shit mattheo." I jumped up again just for him to hold it higher.

He opened the page again and began to read.


thank god.

After a few seconds he closed the book and handed it back to me.

"into this kinky stuff huh princess?" he winked. I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

He walked away laughing and I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration.

"why are guys such assholes." I said. referring to both tom and mattheo. in which I had an encounter with.

"your asking me?" astoria laughed and went back to her book. I laughed under my breath and turned towards where mattheo just walked to.

him and tom were talking about something. something serious. I could tell by their faces. I read tom's lips and worked out that he was saying my name.

just then they both looked at me. I blushed and returned to my book.

I could feel their smirks burning into my head as I pretended to read. I tried to peek my head over the top of my book to try to read their lips once again.

Mattheo said something like 'dangerous' and 'complicated'.

I suddenly had an idea. I reached into my bad and took out my wand. I muttered a french spell my dad once taught me. A little black ball formed itself on the table.

I rolled the little ball on the floor to mattheos shoe. and used the end of my wand to listen in.

".. ou don't understand mattheo. sh-she's.."

"can we just discuss this later? and by the way. why do you care so much that I talk to her. your not jealous are you?"

"never. I'm just trying to save you the heartbreak. her family is known for.." tom peered down at mattheos shoe. he picked up the little ball.

out of instinct. I muttered a counterspell quickly and it disappeared. tom and mattheo looked up. trying to find the culprit.

I tryed to hide my red face by my book as they peered around at the place.

I saw their eyes fixated on me like there a fucking loaded machine gun ready to fire. I looked back at them nervously. they both gave me a look and walked out silently. sending shivers down my spine.

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