Arrival of the Angel 😇

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"Ma'am would you like to have something while working?" Siya asked her boss.

"No Siya thank you my sweetie." She replied.
Who is it, Siya with sparkling eyes stood rooted there admiring the beauty in front of her opps her back facing her. With a swift turn of the chair Siya sees the Angel in front of her. Her boss Tiya Shergill. She has been working for her since she became a CS for the first time till now she  has remained her PA because this angel sitting here had faith in Siya and her heart is carved of diamond she is strict in work but as opposite of it lovely when she is out of her work attire.Tiya frowned what's wrong with her PA so she snaps her hand in front of her.

Tiya frowned what's wrong with her PA so she snaps her hand in front of her

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( Tiya's office look)

"What's wrong with u sweetie, why do you stare at me, ohhh God don't tell me you fell in love with me........" Siya almost nodding in her revere but the next second a blush crept her face as Tiya completed her sentence "Yet....again." Here Siya couldn't stop blushing and Tiya really enjoyed teasing her. Tiya became serious again.

" Ok jokes apart why do you look so admiringly towards me your boyfriend will get jealous of me and might leave you."
" No how can he I only like you ma'am your my idol, walk on street and everyone knows who is the most famous person here and the most worshipped goddess....." And she kept on ranting. Tiya shook her head, she has heard her PA speak so many good things for her that sometimes she feels like she must be buttering her to get extra pay but she also knows that she truly admire her. This made her smile like a ray of light in darkness.
" Ok enough Siya get back to work did you prepare the file on Mr.Malhotra's proposal." Siya stopped her ranting and becomes serious again.
" Yes ma'am I just came here to deliver it to you." Siya said.
Tiya nodded and took the file from her hand she dismissed her and again went on her work. When it comes to work Tiya is a workaholic she seems so engrossed in it that she forgets about food also that's why her parents remind her to eat while in office and at home her sweetheart sister feed her by her own hand while both talk about the day with eachother.

Today also it was 10 already and seems like Tiya is going to get scolded yet again for coming late and making her sister starve. Tiya sneaks inside and is welcomed by her father's face which is only saying ' your gone my child', Ika who is rubbing her stomach due to starvation but a calm face as if she is used to it. Tiya goes and back hug her mom and Ika as she knew her sweetheart won't eat before she feeds her and mom as usual will scold her for working this late. None of them said anything and the surrounding became a little tense.

Tiya sensed something was off so she went and sat beside her dad asking him through eye talk but poor him couldn't say because of his wife's deadly smirk. Tiya looked at her mom and Sheena said " Do you know who is Arnav Rajput and Shanaya Singh?"
"Of course mom I do know them they are dad's friend's kids and as we grew up together I know them quite a lot." Tiya said not understanding her mother's words.
"Do you know they are getting married this coming week." and Tiya knew where the conversation is going to end. She sat there lowering her head.  "They are getting married Shona MARRIAGE. Your turning 22 now isn't it enough for you to enjoy your life now and settle with a man and kids, who said you can't work after marriage who said you can't enjoy life after it." Sheena was huffing and puffing but Tiya lowering her head didn't reply anything. Sheena continued " I know I'm forcing you to marry at the age of 22 but believe me Shona I got married when I was 20 because I knew that my parents won't let me work if I don't get married but fortunately I met your father who was my prince charming helping me to become independent and your grandparents never objected on my decision they respected me. You know you will also get the same if you get married and experience it yourself. Please Shona understand my child I'm saying for your own goo..."

Sheena was cut off by Tiya because she was feeling emotional now and she couldn't cry in front of her parents because she is not weak and she knows how to mask her emotions well. " Enough mom I will get married when I meet the right man and do you think Shiv sent you dad no, dad came to you by his own self because he loved you and I am also waiting for my man to come. My shiv will send a man at the right time for me because I believe in destiny. That's all for the day come Ika let's eat or else I might loose my appetite soon because of this convo, come lets go." And Tiya started walking towards her room. She was not at all angry on her mom she understood her well but did her mom understand her, does she even know what's going in her daughter's heart.

Sheena knew she made Tiya upset she was regretting her way of talking now. Her husband Mithilesh patted her back because he knew his wife and daughter were same, strong hearted women and none of them will ever budge from their rules and words. Sheena wanted to go up and check on Tiya afterall she was the beloved daughter and making her upset meant the whole house becoming barren without any smile.

Ika and Tiya came to room. Tiya couldn't control her emotions any long and she burst into tears on Ika's shoulder." What do I do Ika why does mom wants me to get married to an unknown guy when I have only one person in my heart, although he doesn't even know I don't exist in this world but atleast I love him that's all that matters to me." Ika knew everything about her sister she patted on her head and made her sit down on the couch.
" Di how much are you going to wait for him now he is in Canada don't know when will he return and he will also get married one day till then will you wait all alone breaking your own heart and our parent's too." Ika said understanding her sisters emotions.
" I know I'm not a good daughter but I can't see any future if it's not with him. My heart and soul are tied to his spirit and until and unless he doesn't break this I won't step back." Although Tiya sounded all obsessed in love but Ika knew very well how her sister loves that man. She has seen him only once when they were kids and she fell for him she had such a huge crush on him that she remembered each and every detail of his expressions.

Harsh Mehta Tiya's one and only word in her dictionary no other can enter it. Call it stubbornness obsession or anything she fell for him and has also decided that she will keep on going with her one sided love untill he marries any other girl. Tiya wanted nothing in her life but she begged her Shivji to give him to her. To become hers only and only. Tiya wanted nothing else his one glimpse can make thousands of waves in her silent heart ocean. But atlast everything has a sad side too

Harsh never saw her. He would only nod when they met during their parent's gathering but in that also he would only keep quite but she fell for his quiteness also. When he decided to go abroad for further studies Tiya cried oceans that day. She felt like abandoned by her favourite person. She slowly accepted everything after he left and Tiya changed and focused on her career which is roaring on the peak of mountain.

But the question here is does he know about her love for him or he ignores it because he has someone else in his life or is it that he hates her because of her shy nature but he never knew Tiya too well so what is the answer to it?

Thank you everyone my darling readers please stay tuned for the next chapter and yeah do answer me what do u think
I wrote a little extra words because they seems like very short so hope to make u happy as always ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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