Who is the woman

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After the morning fiasco Tiya and Harsh left for their office, Harsh insisted that he want to go with her but Tiya denied because its her office and not a picnic spot to enjoy but Harsh didn't care about it and wanted to follow her.


" Harsh are you insane what are you blabbering about coming with me you are annoying me." Tiya said utterly annoyed by this clingy brat in front of her.

" No Cherry Pie I have to accompany you, no more discussion." Harsh said persistent about his decision to go with her.

" Don't piss me Harsh why are you so changed would you like to enlighten me about it, one day your crazy and the second day you are a new person standing infront of me. Are you bent on destroying me with that tag as a gold digger?" Tiya said fully angered by him.

" Ok I know I was a jerk but I really regret saying those words, trust me Cherry pie I want to give this marriage a chance really I swear on my maa." Harsh said almost in a pleading tone, he was persistent into gaining her forgiveness and to give this marriage a chance which both him and Tiya deserved.

" Are you sure Harsh, its not that I'm forgiving you for your harsh words but I too want to give us a new start although we started on a bad term but can forget everything and behave as normal couple. I'm not asking too much from you just a mere chance and trust me I will never break your heart ever in my life, I promise you."

Harsh was shocked to hear Tiya say this he was happy that she agreed to give them a chance but she didn't forgive him meant to say that he needs to work more hard with his persuasion. He held her hand and persistency visible in his eyes,

" I promise you Cherry pie I won't let you to regret your decision in marrying me. Trust me I will make your world as beautiful as you have ever dreamt of." Harsh said with determination in his eyes that spoke volumes to Tiya she smiled at him and suddenly Harsh pulled her towards him feeling finally content.

" I promise you Cherry pie I will make you forgive me soon." Harsh said and Tiya replied

" That depends upon your performance Mr. Mehta." she spoke and freed herself from his arms and took her bags and leaving for work, as she was about to move forward she turned and said to Harsh,

" Didn't you say you want to join me to the office?"

Harsh was on cloud nine now he so wanted to go with her so that they can grow they bond, he rushed towards the couch and took his necessary work and left with Tiya. He was hesitant whether to hold Tiya's hand or not but one side he didn't want to rush things while the other side said she was his wife and he had full rights on her. Becoming bold he moved forward and held her hands avoiding her eyes looking everywhere but not at her. Tiya smiled and held his hand and a small smile formed on her face feeling his touch.

flashback ends

They were in the car and Harsh was driving while Tiya sat on the passenger seat looking out of window. Harsh after that brief encounter of holding hands Harsh became more bold and he took Tiya's hand which were on her laps into his own and then holding her he drove with one hand. Tiya looked at him amuse and a blush crept on her cheeks. She didn't say anything and let him do what he wanted.

As they continued their drive Harsh's phone suddenly rang, the name showed 'Hiya' written on it. Harsh glanced at it but didn't pick up the call, Tiya frowned looking at him she wondered ' why was he not picking up the call' she looked at him and suddenly she picked his phone, there she heard a woman's voice laced with sexiness,

" Harshie baby why do you ignore me and why aren't you coming to meet me I miss you darling, please come and see me once I apologize for what happened last time what you saw was an illusion I promise he was forcing me to have sex with him and not me, can you hear me please say something."

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