Abhi's Success Celebration

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In Mumbai,

Tiya and Harsh landed and were on their way to home where everyone were waiting for them. Tiya felt very bad for her in-laws as a newly wedded they didn't even complete a week of marriage but she started her work neglecting the responsibility as a new daughter-in-law . She looked towards Harsh who was holding her left hand while with the other hand he was scrolling his emails. She turned towards him and said,

" Arsh I have something to tell you or maybe to ask." Tiya said while fidgeting with her fingers.

" Say it cherry pie why do you hesitate so much?" Harsh said while stopping her moving hands and facing towards her.

" Actually Arsh....I..... I mean will maa and papa be upset with me for neglecting the family responsibility as I started working on the second day of my marriage, I mean what if they will stop liking me as before?" Tiya said worriedly.

Harsh who was worried for her hesitation a few minutes ago wanted to laugh at her words. Means the parents who loved him so much but after his marriage the first thing they ask when he called them was ' How is Tiya are you not troubling her'. He was amazed by his family's love towards her and forget about parents his own baby chicken his brother was afraid to make her cry and warned him to be polite to her. Harsh thought of teasing her for a while so he said,

" Hmmmm, your question seems valid, I too think you will not be liked by them anymore." Harsh said teasing her but Tiya who was listening to him had tears in her eyes.

" Arsh how do I pacify them I mean I really neglected them what should I do ohh god I want them to like me goodness what should I do?" Tiya blabbered within herself

While Harsh looked at her and laughed out loud, Tiya looked towards him and was confuse by his behavior. She looked at him and Harsh cupped her face and said,

" Cherry pie they actually love you more than me now, they are all neglecting me. When I called maa she asked about you first and she didn't even bother about me so the person who should be worried about should be me and you......you should pitty me and love me which I lost just because of you, so from now onwards your compensating me do you get it?" Harsh said pointing a finger towards her.

Tiya who was worried about her in-laws ignoring her laughed so hard that the accumulated tears gushed out of her eyes, she said while holding her stomach,

" Arsh you are such a baby wailing for your parent's love hahahhahhh, crazy they love you the most and after listening to you they also love me but I'm so good that they love me more than you, awwww poor baby sorry your parents are mine from now sweetheart......I mean Arsh." Tiya said bragging about the love she is getting from his parents.

" Tiya baby you can call me your sweetheart am I not one? Plus even if my parents love you more than me I don't care I just want to make love to one person only." Harsh said pinching her cheeks softly.

" Heyyyy, whom are you going to love how come I don't know about it that's not fair tell me whom you want to love tell me honestly?" Tiya said feeling jealous about the person who would be loved by her Arsh even before than her.

" Meri jaan of course I want to make love to you, your one nod and I will be on my knees and only make love to you." Harsh said with a smirk on his lips Tiya who was being jealous and didn't understand his double meaning words understood what he was saying and punched him on his chest for saying such vulgar words. She said with her face flushed very dark ,

" Arsh do you have any filter in your mouth you speak vulgar words, such a pervert." She said and averted her gaze towards the window. Harsh wanted to tease her more but they already reached home, he cursed the driver who drove so fast. They got down and once they entered Gayatri welcomed them by doing Tiya's pooja and asked her come inside. Harsh who was ignored by her parents suddenly spoke,

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