Part 1: the unknown place

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I was in the air, flying over a small village. It appeared that all of the houses here had only one floor.

These houses were so small, and the people outside them were so tanned. Then I happened to see a three-story house. The top floor was narrower and smaller than the other two. Because the windows were large enough to show everything inside except the top floor, I could see the people inside the house. Then I noticed that the people in the three-story house were pale, whereas the people in the other houses were tanned. I saw some people lying on the ground near the house. However everyone was draped in a large white cloth. I thought these people were dead at first, but then I heard them breathing. After a few minutes, the people took off the cloth and left naked. Then those people were making their way to the house in a line, as if they were waiting outside a store for a Christmas sale.

They appeared even paler now. I decided to enter the house as curiosity overtook fear. However, it appeared that these people were required to wear the same white clothes to enter the house. People were given white clothes by someone at the front door. I followed a guy who was at the end of the line. He looked back at me and was surprised by my skin color, which was similar to that of the people in the other houses but not identical to theirs. But he kept going and then came to a halt just as he was about to take the white clothes. He took a shirt, shorts, and pants. He then handed me his pants, which luckily matched my white T-shirt. As I entered the house's door hall, I noticed the stairs were filled with green plants and there was water beneath the stairs.

Everyone, including myself, was barefooted. So I felt the wet leaves under me. We climbed to the third floor. Everyone has now gathered to talk about something. Someone brought cards with crime cases written on them. I was even more intrigued by what was written on it. But I was too far away to see them. A tall man dressed differently than the others took one of the cards and began reading it aloud. When everyone in the village went to the harvest festival two days ago, a small girl disappeared. He claimed she hadn't appeared since then.

What could have caused her disappearance?

Who could be a possible suspect?

The man who had given me his pants stood up and pointed to a young man in his early twenties. I didn't find him when I was listing the members' names at the start of the festival." "Then I saw him coming late," he continued quickly. I noticed his white clothes had become soiled.

With his words, the young man was both shocked and terrified.

The man approached the suspect and inquired, "Where were you?"

I was... I was... For a brief moment, the suspect was deafeningly silent.

He began to move as if he were paralyzed. Then he jumped over the chair and shifted his gaze from left to right, then right to left while swinging his body to directions he was gazing. I had no idea what he was doing.

The man began to make the same movements.

I thought it was a dance at first, but now I see it was an animal's reaction when confronted with an enemy. The suspect on the chair jumped back on the guy and bit him on the cheek. Then everyone started attacking the suspect, and he was dead in less than a minute. But there was no blood on the floor or on anyone's clothes. Then I noticed the guy was looking at me with regret in his eyes.

He might be regretting himself for allowing me to enter the house to witness what had just occurred. Maybe I was not supposed to see it. But I wasn't afraid because I assumed it was karma for the young man who had apparently done something bad to a girl.

"The place where the crime was committed was sinful, and the person who committed the crime is merciless," said the tall man. However, I later realized that the word "place" refers to a person's heart, and thus a person with a sinful heart would become merciless. And when the suspect began to make the movements, these people were somehow mysteriously certain that the suspect was linked to the crime of the girl's disappearance. Now it was time to get out of here before anyone noticed that I wasn't one of them.

I was rushed to the stairs, but the man grabbed my wrist. He leaned toward my ear slowly and whispered "follow me". ................................

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