Part 14: I am not alone (Last)

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For a while, I was sad. I was sad because I might never see James again.

He is more than just a man I love. He is my savior and my only family member.

But there is no time to say goodbye. I must do it for us and everyone.

I drank the liquid and fell asleep.

I was in a small room with one bed and a mirror. I stepped into the mirror, but I could not see my reflection, as if I was a ghost. Then suddenly, I heard footsteps outside the room, and it seemed that someone was coming into the room. Now I was a little scared, so I decided to hide myself under the bed.

Breathing heavily, I was waiting.

The step stopped by the door. Someone gently opened the door and went in. I tried to see who was there, but I only managed to see black shoes. That was a man. He stood by the bed for a moment and then went to the mirror.

At that very moment, I peeked to see his reflection.

"How is it possible?"

I could not believe my eyes. The man was James.

I wanted to come out and hug him. But it was only a dream.

When I was busy thinking about the whole situation, he had already come closer to the bed and sat on it.

He was whispering something. It must be his dream, I thought. I gave all my attention to his self-talk.

"I need to tell Jasmine everything. She must know who she loves! What if I end up like my father, the evil one?"

He remembered everything! I was so emotional that I went out. But at that very moment, I was shifted to a different place.

A desert!

I was barefoot, and the desert seemed endless. Then I saw a human figure from a distance. In my intuition, this time it was not James. Then the figure was coming closer; it was so fast that I could now see who it was. The red snake! The smile on his face was surely clear. Now we saw each other in the eyes.

I put my hand in my pocket and took out the knife. Grabbing it tightly, my heart was pounding.

"How dare you?" the red snake shouted. You thought you could kill me with that knife?

You little, reckless woman. I promise I will end your life here."

"Probably, you are right. But it does not matter now."

"Now stop talking! I need to finish you and go after James. I have no time for you, a little brat like your brother!"

"Like my brother? How do you know about my brother?

"Oh, you do not know your brother was a judge? A person does not simply come to the village. It is like inheritance. Your brother was like you! Was he only 23 when he died? Anyway, he had that useless courage. That is why he ended his life so early."

"What are you talking about? It was an accident!"

Yes, it looked like a normal accident. But he was killed, he grinned.

"Who killed my brother?" I asked the question even though inside of me I already knew the answer.

"It was me! I gave him a chance, but he refused. Killing him was not that essential, indeed. But not only did he refuse my offer; he also contacted the leader and told him my plan! He used all his strength and power to hide you. Your brother could have been like me—more powerful. But this is it!

The feeling of hatred overcame me. Now I knew that it was the red snake that killed my beloved brother.

You! You are not a human! Everyone was right. You are pure evil! But, thankfully, James is nothing like you!

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