Part 10: Death comes...

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Meanwhile, William was putting down on paper what he saw from my dream. When he wrote "something in a circle, which must be the red snake". 

Then Ally asked me to let her in my dream. I heard her voice. I said "Come in, please!" with my trembling lips. But the circled thing started going around my feet and slowly going up through my body. It's cold and heavy. I was so much in fear.

I closed my eyes not to see those red eyes which were staring at me. But out of my awareness, I opened my eyes. I felt his grudge or anger toward me. I felt like I couldn't breathe! It was tightening its body around me to get all my breath out of my body. Then I felt someone else was there! It was Ally. I felt a bit relieved after I discovered someone was here to save me. I almost lost my consciousness.

All of sudden, Ally cut its head with the rapid movement of her small knife. Its blood splashed on my face, but my body was frozen. Ally cried "Go now". I knew I had to get out of the dream now.

Even after I knew, I was awake; I could not open my eyes. I felt like if I opened them, the red eyes would still be there in front of me. I even felt blood of red snake was still on my face. But this time, I saw James first with my half-opened eyes. He asked me if I was okay. I did not say anything for a moment and then asked where Ally was. She was on sofa apparently sleeping. Why is she still sleeping?

No one answered. I looked back at James to seek an answer for that scary question. She is still in the dream. She could not get out of it. "What do you mean?"I cried.

"She might have killed a part of red snake. So it might awaken his anger toward her. Now it's the red snake's dream, no longer yours. You see she could not leave his dream without his permission."

We could see what William wrote down. I rushed into William and grabbed a piece of paper he was holding. Ally cut his head and loosens its body around Jasmine. She pushed Jasmine to another direction and then went back to red snake. Now there was the red snake in his real form, a man's figure. He grabbed her throat and then choked her....

"And then I woke up!!! Let me sleep now! Let me go back!" I shouted.

"No! We can't let you go!" James said in a cold voice.

"We now know how powerful he has become. We can't let two of our judges' die. We'd better keep one of them."

"Let me go!" I cried with full of tears in my eyes. Now tears were rolling down on my cheeks and got my lips to let me test the bitter sore!

"I can't let her sacrifice her life for mine! Let me go, please!"

James opened his mouth "if we give her knife and Jasmine might............" Before he finished his words, William wrote and said "Ally is dead now". All of us directed our eyes to Ally. I noticed bruise all around her neck but no sound of breathing. I could not believe that was actually happening.

The leader broke our silence with saying "the knife supposed to kill the red snake's real body but she used it a moment earlier. That was her big mistake!"

"Because of me! To save me from the red..." my voice was waving and shaking. I shouted toward the leader. James grabbed my hands and held them tightly. When I found out that Ally used her knife earlier to save me, my anger shifted to feeling of guilt. I felt exhausted so I leaned to his shoulder and cried bitterly. I hadn't got energy to be rebellious now. My agonized heart was too heavy.

I did not notice that everyone except me and James already left the room. They took Ally's body to somewhere.

"Where is she?" asked quietly. "To the burial ceremony place. You need to rest and I will go the burial ceremony", he said. I did not want to believe she is dead but I agreed with James. If I sleep well, then I would be better. More than that, I wish it was only a dream.

I went to my room and slept. In my dream, I found myself on a very big round bed but not alone. There were two other people: a man was in my left and then a small baby girl was in my right side, sleeping. I wasn't surprised of their being even though I did not know who they were. 

Out of blue, I felt there was someone right above me.............

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