Part 2: The inn and the old lady

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The man took me to the second floor, where I could see rooms with numbers on the doors. I followed him to the door marked 9568. I was perplexed.

How did this small house have over 9000 rooms?

"They should not refer to door numbers" I thought.

Then he asked me to give him the pants.

But I didn't have anything to replace his pants, I explained.

However, he stated that he had something for me to wear inside the room. He said "he would wait outside". He seemed to be cautious about something. I was hesitant and afraid, but I didn't have a choice.

When I entered the room, I noticed a large framed portrait of the man and black pants on the sofa beneath the portrait. It was a little big, but I wore it as quickly as I could. Then I exited the room, but he was not there. 

I made it to the door and safely exited the house. The sun shone brightly outside, as if the world didn't care if someone died.

Despite the fact that I had nowhere to go, I was walking quickly. I had no idea why I was there.

Was it a dream or a reality?

How I got here?

Now I saw a small inn, and when I entered, I was greeted by an elderly lady at the front desk. She inquired as to whether I needed a room. "Yes, but I don't have any money," I replied. The woman didn't seem surprised. Instead, she stated, "you can pay for a room in a different way."

I inquired as to what she meant by "the different way." "Just tell me what you saw there," she said, a slight smile on her face. Instinctively, I really did not like her much.

There? "It's a three-story house!" I saw you coming from the house. You can stay here if you tell me what happened there. I would provide you with food, clothing, and, of course, a place to stay.


Because I didn't have a place to stay, I agreed to the terms. I did, however, promise to tell her later. I had a sneaking suspicion that if I told her what happened there, she'd kick me out right away. Furthermore, spreading rumors about the case could be risky because the man saw me entering the house and seeing everything. So I needed to make certain that it was safe for me to open my mouth. The people who are in the three-story house were strange. They were freaks, no doubt. What I saw there was like something out of a nightmare.

She reluctantly accepted my offer and gave me the key to Room 9. When I entered the room, she handed me a blue dress and black boots to change into. I changed my clothes and ate at the inn's cafeteria.

There was a baguette with butter and a bowl of chicken soup on the table, but no one was there. I was so hungry that I ate them quickly and returned to my room. I needed to build a plane to figure out what was going on in the village. I needed to see the man from the house again so I could ask him some questions. But first, I thought I would go explore the village on my own. I didn't want to ask the innkeeper, a suspicious old lady!

I went outside and noticed a red house with a cross on it, which was obviously a church. As a Christian, I always try to rely on Church members. Then I met a Church priest and asked him what the name of the village was.

He described the village as "la petite villa," or "the small town." But when I asked where the small town was, he purposefully paused for a moment and asked me where I was from. I stated that I am from......

"I am from........"

"I don't know. I'm not sure where I'm from" I told him. The only thing I remember is that I was coming from somewhere else and that I did not belong here (Well, I did not want to say I was flying, which might make him think I am insane). He remained silent and said, "I'm afraid I may not be able to assist you with this matter." But if you need to talk to someone, I'm all ears. May God bless you with much-needed assistance" It was pointless to ask him any more questions.

As I was about to leave the Church, I ran into the guy from the three-story house . I stopped him and asked if he had time to speak with me. "I don't have time right now," he said. "I work in a critical business." When do you think you'll have time? ".

 "If you insist, I may have time today, at midnight, in the small chapel inside this church, you can find me there," "but I warn you with seriousness, that you shouldn't be seen by anyone "he told me and left. 

I was staring at him as he walked away. I was taken aback. He was dressed in black pants, but most interestingly, he was dressed in the same pants that I had worn and left at the inn!

I ripped the right pocket of the pants and attempted to sew it back up with some green thread! When I asked for black thread, the innkeeper gave me what she had: green one. When and how would he be able to obtain it? I had to meet him tonight at any cost, but I have to be extremely cautious with this man. 

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