Part 13: The bitter truth

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"I knew the time would come", the leader said and continued "Your mom was the woman Jasmine dreamed of. She was killed by the red snake in front of you when you were seven. Before she lost consciousness, she begged the red snake not to kill you. In exchange for that, she erased your memory so that you would never go after him.

He agreed and left you alive."

"Why did he not kill me?"

"That is a big secret. You can only remember every detail of what happened there. All I believe is that your mother sacrificed her own life to save you. Because if she died, only you would have the ability to erase and recall memories. As far as I know, people with this ability cannot recall their memories like they do others. Thus, no one could help you regain your memory.

 But the red snake and your mother were wrong. I later discovered your name was the key to your memory.

 However, your mom's soul is stuck in the red snake's dream, and the red snake could always be able to use your mom's ability. But I guess he was scared of Jasmine's unique ability that Jasmine was even able to communicate with your mom in her dream before. Jasmine can see the creatures as they are. That is why she always dreamed of the red snake's real human figure. Only in Jasmine's dream we can find him and kill his real body.

I am sorry that I could not tell you sooner. But, I was afraid that if you knew your name, you would remember everything and go after the red snake, be killed. Since you know your name now, the rest of your memory must come back to you through your effort"

James left the room silently. I let him be alone.

Both of us eventually gained memories that we wanted to forget, and both of us now had the same reason to fight the red snake: revenge.

Later I left the leader's room and tried to find James, but could not. So I returned to my room and since the time was late, I went to bed and slept heavily.

"I saw a seven-year-old James standing in front of his mother and the red snake. His mom was a slim lady with very beautiful blue eyes like a deep sea. She was crying bitterly while the red snake was holding her as if the abductor was placing the victim to warn police not to come closer. I saw this on TV. But this time, I witnessed it in my dream and the emotion was intense.

"I am begging you not to kill our son, only son!"

"Why wouldn't I kill him? He might become just like me and come after me one day!"

" I will make him forget about it and he will not be able to recall it as you and I both know it!"

"But I want to check one thing before I agree"

"What is it? She cried.

"If he has my ability, I will not let him live!"

"No! He is different from you. He got only my skills. I promise!"

In my dream, I discovered a bitter truth that the red snake was indeed James's father.

That is why he left him alive. At least, I hoped. 

But It seemed he was afraid of his evil ability.

"Let me make him forget before I die!" the mother begged again.

He nodded as he approved it eventually. She slowly moved to her son and gently put her two hands on his head, whispered something, and lastly, kissed on the forehead as the farewell sign.

James fell to the ground and then the red snake did the horrible thing: he killed James's mother.

Now the figure of the red snake was staring at me and then thankfully, I woke up at the right time.

It was so terrifying view that I felt that my whole body was shaking and shivering. But it seemed that he knew I was in his dream. He was staring at me!

But how the red snake could be James' father?

What a horrible thing I just discovered!

The red snake was truly evil in that he was blinded by the dark power and killed the woman who delivered his child and tried to kill his child!

"I cannot tell James about it. He would be disappointed! So, I need to keep the secret to only myself!"

I secretly met the leader and William about the truth and decided to fight the red snake at midnight but this time without James.

"Are you sure you can do this without James? William asked.

"I should be!"

"We will be there with you tonight! Do not worry!"

Time was already 11 pm and my heart was pounding. I was alone in the hall on the third floor of the house, reflecting on everything that happened to me these months, waiting for William and the leader.

Around 11:15, both of them came and they brought the small knife and the sacred drink. 

I asked them not to tell James about the truth no matter what would happen to me. 

"Let's start!", the leader commanded.

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